Healthy eating on a budget



  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    Melmo1988 wrote: »
    This is what I bought today (2 weeks worth)

    Peanut butter 3.97 (normally $6-7)
    Ragu sauce 1.50
    3lb onions 2.27
    3 bell peppers 3.97
    3 cans tomatoes 3.00
    2 cans tomato sauce 2.00
    2 packages pasta noodles 2.50
    Tostitos scoops 3.17
    Pizza kit 3.77 (makes 2)
    Bread 2.22
    Jam 2.27
    Salsa 3.67
    Chicken broth 1.87
    Milk 1.00
    Garlic .67
    Organic peaches 3.47 (8 peaches)
    Chicken breasts 10.00
    Dill pickles 2.47
    Tomato paste .94
    Yoplait drink 1.00
    Baby wipes 5.53
    Mustard 1.79
    Block cheese (2) 10.00
    3lb apples 4.97 (8 apples)
    1lb ground chicken (2) 8.66 (25% off)
    Baby shampoo 2.94

    I've spent 90.26
    Plus a few items I bought yesterday at the dollar store

    Still have to buy :

    Pizza sauce
    Eggs (18)

    I'm planning on making

    Cheeseburger casserole
    Stuffed pepper soup
    Pizza (makes 2)
    Spaghetti and meatballs
    PB&J sandwiches for my daughter
    Tuna sandwiches for me

    Snacks are fruit and I'm making muffins, all I needed were bananas to make since I have everything else

    Surprisingly I'm a bit under budget

    Being mindful can have that effect :smile:

    Not every item lists amounts, and I'm not familiar with Canadian items, but I have a few comments:
    Baby wipes and baby shampoo - are washable cotton cloths and a mild generic "adult" shampoo out of the question?
    Pizza kit, pizza sauce, tomato sauce - you already have canned tomatos, cheese, garlic and onion - all you need is flour and yeast, that will be cheaper, and it's more versatile. You can also consider baking your own bread when you have flour and yeast.
    Tostitos scoops - I've read about them and they sound expensive for what you get.
    Organic peaches - the "organic" label usually drives prices (the peaches are cheaper than the apples in your list, so this will vary).
    Pasta noodles - they should be made from just flour and water, and thus dirt cheap.
    Breadcrumbs - don't pay more for old bread. Oven dry and crumble your own leftovers.
    Yoplait drink - all these kinds of things will be more expensive and less nutritious than what you can make yourself from for instance plain yogurt and jam, or you can make your own cocoa from milk, cocoa powder and sugar.

    Your menu sounds delicious, by the way.

    The baby wash is for my 3 month old an the last bottle lasted me til now so I'd say it's worth the price :)
    I'd rather but baby wipes, the last pack I bought for 16 dollars also lasted 3 months so they're not too costly
    The canned tomatoes and paste and sauce are for my other recipes
    I only but organic if it's cheap and in this case it was cheaper than regular peaches for some reason
    I also consider 1.25 for a package of noodles to be "dirt cheap"
    We don't have bread leftovers lol, we always use it
    And the to plait drink was for my daughter to try, and I wouldn't be able to make my own for less than a at with yogurt prices the way they are, te drink was on sale
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Stock up on frozen veggies when they go on sale. I have actually cut my food bill after starting to eat healthier because I realized (when I used the food scale) that the meat portion I was usually eating was almost 2 servings. I also love cottage cheese which is cheaper than meat and loaded with calcium. I go meatless one or two days a week which can save.