Weight Watchers Recipes for College Students

nikki91950 Posts: 647
edited September 21 in Recipes
I don't cook, but I'm wanting to start once I begin college again in the fall. I'm on Weight Watchers and need some fast and easy recipes. I especially love chicken, cheese, and pasta. Anything would be greatly appreciated.


  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member
    Chicken Stir Fry

    It's quick, cheap and really easy to do.
    Use spray oil instead of stir fry oil, stir fry the chicken until browning, add in chopped veggies of your choice (generally I put in onion, garlic, mushrooms, spring onion, cherry tomatoes and peppers), a dash of light, reduced salt soy sauce and cook until cooked to your preference. Serve with vermicelli noodles.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I've made a huge recipe book for myself over the past 3 years complete with my photos of all the low-fat (yes, points calculated as well) quick dinners and the occasional breakfast/dessert for myself and my hubby but since I haven’t put that online, check out one of my favourite sites. She takes photos more beautiful than mine and I've made several of her items, usually modified to even further reduce the fat (eliminate oil and reduce or cut out cheese which my husband and I hate).

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Hungrygirl.com is also a good one for points being calculated for you however I find most of their recipes too long (too many ingredients) and you can't search by type i.e. dinner so that’s frustrating but its another option.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290

    This website has recipes with the calorie information for each. It might not all be college-friendly, but it's a start. Look up "recipes with calorie count/information" in your search engine, sometimes great stuff comes up! :)
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Thanks everybody! Chicken stir fry sounds like a really good idea, and I'm definitely going to check out those websites!
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    I am no longer in college but i still cook on a college budget! :tongue:

    As a lazy gourmet i have been really struggling to cook more and shop less. I am...or WAS...the drive thru diva...so i'm trying hard to cook more from scratch.

    The best money i spent was on my magic bullet (see the infomercial and no i dont work for the company - ha ha ha! ) But since i got that i never buy anything canned anymore...i make my own pasta sauces - i love alfredo - using fat free condensed milk, garlic, real butter and parmasan cheese - an dput it over whole wheat pasta. And that thing makes awesome fruit sorbet or smoothies :love: You could probably use any type of mini blender i suppose.....and always keep low sodium chicken/veggie/beef broth in your cupboard...its a staple!

    -i also puree stewed tomatoes and add spices and a bit of milk, and make soup / or puree brocolli with the fat free condensed milk and add parmasan and it makes a great soup too!

    -also, i love sticking meat cubes on a skewer with chunky vegetables, drizzled with olive oil and no salt Mrs Dash. Then add with 1/2c of brown rice

    -tonight i am making my Janet and Greta chicken and roasted veggie chicken burger and adding plain yogurt mixed with greek seasonings, and mixing with brown rice and veggies. My kids and husband have become accustomed to my 'attempts' at home cooking...and i definately started from 'scratch'! Good luck!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    This website has recipes with the calorie information for each. It might not all be college-friendly, but it's a start. Look up "recipes with calorie count/information" in your search engine, sometimes great stuff comes up! :)

    One thing to keep in mind after being a long-time member of that website, all the recipes were put in by individuals not the owners/operators of the side and if CC doesn't recognize an ingredient and the user doesn’t know how to correct it by food code, it just doesn't get calculated. Some people don't care it doesn’t get calculated b/c they know how many calories it is for themselves (I’ve been guilty of that since I have dozens of recipes there) and some people just miss the red flags. The best thing to do is check it out, if there is something you like modify it (if desired) then put it back into the recipe calculator. Yes this is tedious and I'm not suggesting you have to do it but I just wanted to point out a big flaw in the CC counting system so that you are aware.
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