Reverse dieting



  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    wickmclean wrote: »
    Calculated BMR and actual TDEE merge as diets progress. Bodybuilders invented reverse dieting to counter this phenomenon. I am experiencing it, unless there is something outside of diet and exercise I am missing (I am meticulous about counting calories). I probably should have provided a link that explains the concept in depth. Here you go:
    Now, does anyone who has experience with reverse dieting have insight into my situation? Thanks!
    I read that article months after my plateau had started. Reverse dieting/em2wl work but of course the thought of upping cals to lose more weight scares people. If I were still eating 1500 cals or less and someone questioned my accuracy while tracking, I probably would of ripped their head off lol. Thankfully since I started eating more, I'm no longer hangry. My fitness and strength have improved.

    You know your body way better than anyone else and the fact that you have lost a good amount of weight shows that you are more than likely good at tracking your foods with accuracy. My body put the breaks on my weight loss for months. While the main theme in these forums is to always advise people to reduce their cals by even more, it's not always the best thing.

    I'm down 50 pounds from my highest weight and I did that with vlcd, definitely would not recommend. Legs were mushy and so were arms. Tried to eat 1200 cals and would gain. Some people don't believe in BMR lowering but I know with my body it does.

    Definitely try a reset and then reduce by 500 cals, that should work. Also during my reset I still tracked my cals. I honestly wish I would of done this years ago. Instead of starving and being hangry. I think hanger is the main reason why the most straight forward non drama threads turn sour. Good luck OP. *sorry for novel*
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited August 2015
    Reverse dieting could work for you if you are at the weight you want to be and want to maintain....I have read about it and for some it has worked.

    I tried it for several months myself, more so to see if I could put my TDEE up more, but the reality was I couldn't! I can't eat more than 2200 gross cals a day if I want to maintain my weight.
  • arb037
    arb037 Posts: 203 Member
    No such thing as "metabolic damage", that is BS the nutrition industry pushed on us for years.
    Look up " adaptive thermogenesis"