R u loseing wight looking for love.



  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    I hope to find love, but to be honest I am invisible no matter what to guys. I have been told it's not my looks per se, but the fact that I know more sports than the average woman (not sure exactly where that person got his stats) my issue is that I scare men away (so I've been told) because I'm way too confident in myself, just not my looks and that I need to learn to be more humble about me. I'd really like to meet the right guy, but unfortunately he is not in Kansas (starting to realize that).
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,039 Member
    Hell no I'm not lmao
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    @Non_Stop LOL!!! Too much!! :D
  • flinx1241
    flinx1241 Posts: 2,168 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »

    I. Just. Can't.

    So glad I'm not alone in that one...
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »

    I. Just. Can't.

    stahp wez all kent bee az smarts az u

    he juz wookin pa nub en all da wong places

  • blu_de_ville
    blu_de_ville Posts: 4,296 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »

    I. Just. Can't.

    I burley undastand :D
  • eleanorella1989
    eleanorella1989 Posts: 51 Member
    Honestly, I finally feel like if someone can't accept you while your fat then they're definitely not worth your time while you're thin. I'll just remember all the people I tried to talk to while I was fat that would ignore me and made me feel like it was because of my weight which caused me to feel horrible about myself and gain even more weight, and if they try to reach out to me when I reach the weight I want to be at I won't even pay any attention to them. Most men are judgemental and shallow and I don't want that kind of person in my life. If you want to lose weight you should do that for YOU and not anyone else. You don't need someone's approval just to get laid. Although, if your weight is gonna break the bed then you should definitely get some help first... haha I do prefer a little bit of a chubby man myself. I'm not attracted to muscles.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Mane, y'all cold! lol
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Just trying to get in shape for when I find my drift-compatible.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Doing it for meals has been the prime motivator yes....however, ever night I go to sleep invisioning rough, passionate, mind blowing *** with someone, who I will not pursue until I am in Prime physical conditioning ;) lol