Quick Tip to See Results that worked for me

Take pictures of yourself once a week when you get started.

I've seen a lot of people frustrated that they aren't seeing any results on the scale when they start out. When I finally got serious and started I forgot to weigh myself (but somehow had the foresight to take front and side photos of myself?) so I had no point of reference later on when I weighed in. Had I not kept taking photos in the same positions, same lighting, every week I never would have noticed the difference. I hid those photos in a folder deep in my computer and about 10 weeks in I pulled up the first ones and the newest ones and I could literally see the changes. Some changes were subtle and some were major for me but I could see something was happening!

Even between later weigh-ins I think I would have also been frustrated with the rate I was losing weight if I did not have the photos. So give yourself as many tools and stay positive!


  • pjsdj
    pjsdj Posts: 90 Member
    What a good idea! I'm just starting out so ill start today!! I'm totally one of those peeps who quit when I don't see results fast enough!!