Low Calorie Snacks (pregnant)

Hi everyone.
I have recently lost 25 kg (over 50lbs) so I could have another baby.
Now that I am pregnant I find myself just wanting to eat all day.
Unfortunately I am starting to gain weight, (more then I should be at this stage in my pregnancy)

So I am after snack idea's that I can snack on through out the day with out piling up the calories to much.


  • grstorm
    grstorm Posts: 28 Member
    Congrats for the baby news and weight loss! I just went for my visit today and am 7.5 weeks along. Unfortunately I had only just started working out a month ago after having my last two years ago and wasn't really dieting because I just wanted to start somewhere. My Dr gave me a handout with lists of foods and how much. She recommended 0% fat Greek yogurt and berries. Cheese is good too. Of course, it's all about moderation. She gave me a strict list to follow because I am overweight. I have never had much discipline when pregnant but as I hope this is my last I plan to follow it because I am hoping to bounce back once I'm no longer a baby making machine lol.

    Are you planning to keep tracking? I do like that the app tells you how many nutrients you are eating to ensure you are consuming vitamins and good nutrients for a balanced approach. Plus in my case I have to watch my sugar but you may not have to limit as much as me.
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    Congrats to you to :). I am 6 weeks along.
    My first born is 2 years old, and i was obese during my pregnancy with him. I am currently in my healthy zone, but only just, just don't want to end up back where I was after this pregnancy so I will be tracking every now and then, but probably not every day like i did when i was trying to loose weight.
    From what I have read I should be eating at maintenance during first trimester. Been eating Lot's of fruit, because It satisfies my cravings for sweet things. But I probably eat too much sugary foods then I should be.
  • kaspatore
    kaspatore Posts: 95 Member
    laughing cow cheese, fruits and unlimited non starchy veggies, turkey slices