Cheating diet on weekends

I've been on a clean eating diet the last 2 weeks and am very disciplined M-F. My only problem is when Friday night and Saturdays make me weak and I cheat. I know I have to get a grip on this if I am going to cut fat. Does anyone else have this to suggestions everyone.


  • knp80
    knp80 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I have similar days usually Saturday is take away. My solution is to plan in advance buy your food for those danger times you are potentially undoing all your great work in the week especially if your goal is weight loss.
    You can have a cheat meal but if you have a lot of weight/body fat to lose don't introduce one until after a consistent 8-10week clean eating then have one every two week it will trick your body metabolism and is good to prevent plateau.
    Keep it to a meal though not a cheat day.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I intend to have one PLANNED FEAT DAY MONTHLY (and NOT 365 feast days a year) built into my new life style, and NOT cheat. Happily I will be at week 5.5 when that happens. This being August, I will go to the state fair and have carefully considered my FEAST options and have selected a blooming onion with blue cheese dressing, and drink water. Onions are fabulously good for you and I figure that I will quickly be grossed out by the deep frying and not eat it all. I've already entered my thanksgiving dinner! (Going over carbs and pecan pie are already on that FEAST day.
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I'm allowing myself one meal a week for eating out. It's sort of a "cheat" meal in terms of nutrition (far more fatty, fewer veggies) but not a dramatic cheat meal in terms of calories. I do generally go over my allotted calories on that day, but not by a ton. I've started looking forward to it as a treat, and a chance to visit old favourite restaurants or try a new one. It's really making eating out seem more special.

    If I were to have a cheat weekend, I'm sure it would negate virtually all the calories I'm cutting during the week!
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I intend to have one PLANNED FEAT DAY MONTHLY (and NOT 365 feast days a year) built into my new life style, and NOT cheat. Happily I will be at week 5.5 when that happens. This being August, I will go to the state fair and have carefully considered my FEAST options and have selected a blooming onion with blue cheese dressing, and drink water. Onions are fabulously good for you and I figure that I will quickly be grossed out by the deep frying and not eat it all. I've already entered my thanksgiving dinner! (Going over carbs and pecan pie are already on that FEAST day.

    I love it! Last year I said to myself I would have one greasy goodie at the state fair, and I waited all day and looked at all the booths before I decided on a "deep fried cookie dough." By the end of the day, after all that walking, it didn't seem that bad of a treat. Also I split it with my husband, and honestly, after about 5 bites I really didn't want anymore. I wonder what my treat will be this year? I'm secretly hoping they have deep-fried avocado.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    chodybaby wrote: »
    I've been on a clean eating diet the last 2 weeks and am very disciplined M-F. My only problem is when Friday night and Saturdays make me weak and I cheat. I know I have to get a grip on this if I am going to cut fat. Does anyone else have this to suggestions everyone.
    You're not very disciplined if you can't control weekends.
    CONSISTENT calorie deficit leads to weight loss. What you eat doesn't matter as much as how much you eat when it comes to weight loss. That's not to say that "clean eating" is incorrect, but if you HAVE to cheat, then "clean eating" is probably not the approach you should use because you've already mentioned "cheating" on it.
    Your program should be one you can do FOR LIFE. If you can't, then weight regain will inevitably happen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • chodybaby
    chodybaby Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for your honesty. It is indeed a lifestyle change that I have to get used to.