In your opinion.....



  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Don't let bad day's get to you. If and when you slip up for a day and go over, just move on and keep on tracking your calorie deficit.
  • Mellieanne1019
    Mellieanne1019 Posts: 59 Member
    The most important thing is nutrition. My trainer made a very very great point. There are people who work out all day at the gym and just keep burning and burning calories. If you not properly putting the calories back in your body then you will never get big. Think of it that way

    Healthy eating is the most important
    Working out helps shape and build muscle to look leaner

    So so true "you are what you eat"

    Hope that helps
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    No life style change

    I succeed because i want to succeed. Sounds big headed i know. But i took a decision and i stick to it. I made a promise to myself. And i keep my promises.
    Because i told myself that i have no excuse to not lose the excess weight

    The tools i use to accomplish this are:

    1. My stubborn nature and persistence
    2. patience
    3. MFP for counting
    4. My food scale
    5. And a healthy dose of common sense.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Replace judgments about the characteristics of food with a behavior that brings you in line with your best wishes for your well being.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    Other people have already covered the important stuff, so I'll just give a few concrete suggestions re meals- for *me*, food choices really help keep my calories down. Main thing is - my hunger is basically dealt with as long as I have a good chunk of meat at every meal.

    (Vegetarians must manage somehow, but it takes more skill than I've got. Any day I rely *solely* on beans and cheese for protein is a day I'm a) hungry and usually b) over on calories.) I'm trying to cut down a bit on especially red meat, and to supplement that smaller chunk of meat with beans and legumes, but I can't see completely letting it go.

    Focus on protein, basically, is my tip.

    (Also pasta 's a calorie bomb compared to rice, bread, and especially potatoes (and less filling imo).)

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    meal plan. meal plan . meal plan.
    I log my dinner and snack and coffee in the morning at the same time. and then I see what I have to work with for the rest of the day, that way i never 'run out' of calories. since those are my 3 favorite things..they are my priority, I also find eating the same things (that i like) really help. it also keeps me from just eating everything...or wandering what i'm going to eat. my breakfast is almost always honey nut cherrios. i love them. lunch is usually an uncrustable or a mini pizza (I eat like a toddler) BUT it works for me, i like it...i could never be like now i will eat egg whites and salad. I would rather be fat. seriously. plus i know what to expect from my calories bye keeping my meals the same. Or finding lower calorie alternatives to things you love. like bacon, the pre cooked stuff is 4 slices for 70 calories. so bacon sandwiches find their way on my plate a lot.

    This is helping me a lot as I'm having to cut my calories down more than I'd like. I really hate pre-planning but it makes a huge difference.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member