NEEDS MOTIVATION! Lost almost 60lbs and gained 25 of it only 4 months!!!

mamadriver13 Posts: 33 Member
edited August 2015 in Motivation and Support
Sooooo...I look at my profile picture and easily get discouraged thinking "what if"...what if I would have kept going, what could I have looked like now? felt like now? but oh well! Last year/early this year I had lost nearly 60lbs. All of a sudden I stopped going to the gym as much and started introducing fast foods and unhealthy mixture back into my life. This was about April. I have gained 25lbs since APRIL!! 4 MONTHS!! I am like how in the world!!! But I know how...I gave up! I got comfortable. Too many "i'll go to the gym tomorrow" or "i'll eat better tomorrow" in which those tomorrows never came! So today I start back- I am accepting this as a life change and giving up on all the unhealthy habits that make me feel terrible. Wish me luck! I will be needing all I can get!!


  • sebring2008ks
    sebring2008ks Posts: 25 Member
    I lost 60 pounds before and gained 45 back in 3 years! Start now before u gain it all back like I did! You can do it :) I'm starting over agian also! U can add me if u want we can help each other :)
  • Devaughn02
    Devaughn02 Posts: 1 Member
    I am dying to lose some weight I lost about 25lbs before I gain all back and some. Need help badly
  • smithcarola
    smithcarola Posts: 51 Member
    I'm right there with you. This time last year, I was down 80 lbs, life happened (just another excuse), I quit going to the gym, started eating whatever/whenever I wanted, kept telling myself "I'll get back to it tomorrow" that turned into "I'll get back on track next week" that turned into "Meh. Whatever." Now, I'm up 60 or so pounds, up 2-3 pant sizes and none of the cute new clothes I had last year fit. I've gain so much so quickly that my knee has decided to revolt and I was told that if I don't lose this weight, I will have to have surgery, no way around it. I am again. Good luck to us both!! We've done it once, we can do it again!!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    First thing I would do is ask myself why I gave up the first time. Was I bored with my exercise? Was going to the gym inconvenient or a chore? Was my diet to restrictive or too agressive? Since you found your previous weight loss plan unsustainable, it might be best to look at it honestly and find out why. Then change it up to avoid making the same mistake again.
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Let's do this! Time to get off the rollercoaster. Feel free to add me for support, I'm determined! ankdworak
  • DawnAllen177
    DawnAllen177 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for your honesty with this post. Two years ago I had lost close to 50 pounds and slowly gained most of it back. I am going strong and have lost 11.4 pounds in 5 weeks with hopefully more today (weigh in day). I feel great and empowered but at the same time know from experience how quickly it piles back on. I have an open journal and would love more friends. I'm about 30 pounds from the top often healthy range and then will reevaluate. Add me.
  • jennie_jean
    jennie_jean Posts: 12 Member
    I started a year ago in August and lost a total of 25 pounds...then Thanksgiving and Christmas happened. I also started having female problems and felt like hell most of the time so I would turn to food to comfort me and stopped exercising. I've gained back 15 of the pounds I lost (and I needed to lose at least 50). I've felt so defeated. Nothing like having to pick up the pieces and start almost completely over and being no where near my goal weight in the first place. I'm just trying to find my groove again and I want to be healthy. I hope that by losing weight my health problems will reverse themselves. I'm low carbing and cutting out processed foods. I need more friends who are in a similar situation so feel free to add me!
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I've gained and lost and lost and gained more times than I can count. I am now at 45 pounds lost (most lost ever in one time span) after my highest weight ever last summer. So it's been a bit over a year and this is now my new way of life- logging everything and exercise 4-5 times per week. It's no longer a "diet" that I go on and expect fast results (which I usually would get) and then fall off and slowly gain back everything. I am determined to make it a long term overall change. And it happened a little bit at a time, which is best I think. I don't mean losing necessarily- just the changes in how I eat and what I eat and exercising. I didn't make huge sweeping changes all at once, but started logging and found an exercise that I enjoy and slowly but surely changed what and how much I eat. I still eat the indulgent things, but just not as much. I find that I am naturally making healthier choices because they keep me feeling fuller longer and they just make me feel better in general. So good luck to you. You've got this.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Motivation has to come from within. Take a good honest look at why you're losing weight. That reason will go much further to keeping you on track because it's YOUR reason, not what others say and not what you think it should be. And it doesn't have to be 'to become healthy', it can be something as simple as 'i want to wear a certain thing that only comes in smaller sizes'. I know one girl who's reason was to have better sex. Make it YOUR reason and that will help keep you going.

    As for where you are now, forget the past and start over. You're not starting from where you originally were, so that is progress. Yes, backsliding is bad, but if you don't forgive yourself, you'll just feel worse. You made a mistake and got complacent, that doesn't make you a failure, it makes you human. So now is the time to set that aside and just start anew.
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in the same boat, lost 130 lbs and after getting remarried and 2 pregnancies, now need to lose 100 lbs to get back down to where I was. I lost 25-30 in the spring and have gained it all back. With 4 kids and work I just can't seem to find a grove to stick to and have no energy!