A day with 1610cal



  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    If my diary today were like that everday, I'd do so well. I like eating fast food too much after I lift or swim. I'm trying to cut back or at least make room for it properly without eating back exercise cals. Today, I'm having 1 Wendy's JBC instead of 2. I'll come in around 1623 cals and still meet my macros quite nicely.

    My diary has no rhyme or reason though. I don't always log things in the right heading or eat them with the other things they're grouped with. Pay no mind to that stuff.
  • TexasJade
    TexasJade Posts: 68 Member
    edited August 2015
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    [OP when you asked about 1610 cals, were you talking net or total? I am in maintenance and have mine set to 1750 net but I eat closer to 2000 daily with exercise. My diary is open, if you take out the 150-300 cals of wine I usually have my food would be in the range you're looking for.

    I am running all day with two babies (7 kids!) but don't have any loggable (did I just make that up?) exercise right now. Before the older baby, I lost 45ish lbs though, with MFP and no excercise. I do plan to excercise for health later on, I just don't have the time right now. I am not willing to wake up earlier, since I am still up 2 to 3 times a night. So the short of that long answer is, 1610 is total cals. I had over 200 left today, not sure how often that happens, now that I have stopped the everyday soda.

  • TexasJade
    TexasJade Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the explanation on the weekly. I would like to use that for special occasions but don't plan to use it very often because I am afraid I would abuse it and have myself talked into making up cals on the backside too often..that I probably wouldn't make up.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    [OP when you asked about 1610 cals, were you talking net or total? I am in maintenance and have mine set to 1750 net but I eat closer to 2000 daily with exercise. My diary is open, if you take out the 150-300 cals of wine I usually have my food would be in the range you're looking for.

    I am running all day with two babies (7 kids!) but don't have any loggable (did I just make that up?) exercise right now. Before the older baby, I lost 45ish lbs though, with MFP and no excercise. I do plan to excercise for health later on, I just don't have the time right now. I am not willing to wake up earlier, since I am still up 2 to 3 times a night. So the short of that long answer is, 1610 is total cals. I had over 200 under left today, not sure how often that happens, now that I have stopped the everyday soda.

    You should get a Fitbit... I couldn't believe how many steps I get just from the daily chaos of having two small children,...

  • TexasJade
    TexasJade Posts: 68 Member


    You should get a Fitbit... I couldn't believe how many steps I get just from the daily chaos of having two small children,...


    Oooh...yes, I should! I had been putting that off while I was still on sodas, food restriction with nursing, and not serious about losing. Thanks for the reminder! Will put that on my to do list for this weekend.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    • Black coffee and a meat/cheese/veggie 2 egg frittata will be about 400 calories.
    • A banana and greek yogurt for a snack will be another 200 calories.
    • 5 oz. grilled chicken plus mixed spinach & veggie salad will be approx. 400 calories with dressing included.
    • That leaves you with 600 calories for dinner... Shrimp & Scallop Pasta Primavera with grilled veggies?

    There are limitless possibilites. Just pay attention to how many meals you typically eat in a day, and how many calories those meals typically are. Also, make sure you are getting enough fiber, protein, and dietary fat.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    don't overthink what you can eat. There's a lot you can eat at around 400-500 calories per meal. Get a food scale, weigh the food you want to eat so you know how many calories are in it, and have enough of it to fit your calorie goals. It doesn't matter what the foods are, as long as you are meeting your macronutrient needs and your calorie goals.

    This is what I am finding hard. Granted I have not bought a food scale. I am afraid that will cause me to micromanage my food to an unhealthy (mentally) level. I haven't bought one because I have never had trouble losing just using cup and spoon measurements, and knowing what a 4oz portion of meat looks like. But what I am running into is balancing what I want to eat with a portion that is worth it to me for the calories it cost. I feel like I have been trying to juggle regular foods so much that I am having a hard time allowing myself anything else. For instance I had a half cup of applesauce earlier that was 120 cals. I was thinking 120 cals was a cup. I didn't find it worth it. I should have checked before I ate it but didn't realize until I logged it. My mistake but also things like raisens which I occasionally have in my oatmeal. Don't remember the cals but when I looked this morning, I knew I would probably never have 1/4 cup of them in my oatmeal again. I did have an 1/8 of a cup of them in with my blueberries because I didn't have a 1/4 a cup of those left. But the cal cost of some, what I think is normal food, makes feel like I really need to restrict things if I ever want a brownie or icecream. I am just trying to balance it all to feel satisfied portion and content wise, and health wise. I guess lots of veggies might be the answer for the filling part.

    I had that same fear but it didn't happen--it just became a habit. And when you get your pounds-to-lose way down, you might find you need the scale. Who knows what a tablespoon of peanut butter or a half-cup of ice cream really amounts to without a food scale? On the other side, you may find that you're over-logging certain foods.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    Thanks for the explanation on the weekly. I would like to use that for special occasions but don't plan to use it very often because I am afraid I would abuse it and have myself talked into making up cals on the backside too often..that I probably wouldn't make up.

    Excel spreadsheets work too.