Mom, wife, nkotb fan. :P



  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    How bummed am I, now that they've come and left Atlanta, that I chose not to go. Seeing all the pics popping up on twitter and I'm like *pounds self on forehead* stupid, stupid, stupid. lol But eh, sometimes the financials don't permit ya know. *shrugs*

    Anyways - anyone can add me if you'd like. Avid NKOTB fan. Never will forget 10/27/2008 - when what I thought would never happen for me - finally happened - and I got to see NKOTB live. Now every time I listen to "SINGLE" - I always sing along the way Joey Mac started the song, " for the next SEVERAL HOURS Atlanta - we gonna be your boyfriends!"

    Then, went back again in July of the following year for their summer/outside venu show - loved it! Very close to them when they came out middle of the venu and stood on the tabletops and danced and sang.

    Skipped the NKOTBSB thing - BSB, eh, take 'em or leave 'em. So that's why I thought this new tour wasn't going to be anything I'd miss. I want to see NKOTB by themselves again like the 1st time.

    but these pics all over the place! again *forehead smack* stupid, stupid, stupid. lol
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    I am seeing NKOTB in concert tonight with Boyz II Men and 98 Degrees!!!!