Facebook weight loss group

So.... I joined a Facebook weight loss group to add a little motivation as I'm on the countdown to my holiday however I feel myself getting more and more frustrated at the lack of positive or indeed correct information being shared out there by people who think they are gurus...which I'm definitely not !... At this moment I'm in a discussion with someone who feels the 5:2 diet is ideal and medically endorsed as eating 500 calls a day is fine (


  • Pinesgurl
    Pinesgurl Posts: 39 Member
    I belong to a Facebook group called Gettingskinnywithcourtney. People are very encouraging and lots of info. Anyone is welcome. Courtney has lost 100lbs. I use it and I come here. Also, I'm eating a low calorie diet of 1320 calories, though I'm working towards less carbs. Feel free to friend me. I have an open diary.
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