Post-pregnancy weight loss - other new moms?



  • MedicMom5
    MedicMom5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a mother of 5 and I currently weigh 211 lbs. I was pretty young when I first started having kids weighing a nice and toned 135lbs. After the first 3, I lost the weight very quickly and bounced right back to my pre-pregnancy figure. Most likely due to a combination of being young with lots of energy, physically demanding jobs that left me little time to eat. Now I'm in my 30's, I work three to four, 12-hour overnight shifts in confinement (soon to transfer to a hospital), and I'm a full-time student plus the normal husband/house/kids responsibilities.

    After I had my 4th, I blamed my birth control but I really only gave working out everyday and eating healthy about 1 month before I quit after not seeing the results of hoped for. Now I'm 17 months postpartum with my 5th and I feel like I'm dying. I'm in constant pain everyday (I know 80 year/old women who get around better than I do). I'm tired all the time, I don't sleep well, I get depressed more often, I find it incredibly physically demanding to accomplish daily tasks from cleaning my house to simply walking up the stairs. I suffer from degenerative disc disease, foraminal stenosis, buldging discs, scoliosis, syringomyelia (yep that's a real thing... Look it up lol), amongst other things like nonspecific arthritis and lastly some GI problems probably due to the daily NSAID use and high caffeine intake.

    My husband has much better willpower than I do and he is able to lose the weight quickly and still have energy to do stuff. I see very little results with the same diet and time frame and I quickly get to feeling defeated soon after our weekly weigh-in. After which I usually give up and give into my indulgences.

    I will wrap this up because I feel like I'm talking too much now. I'm basically looking for people to help motivate me to keep fighting the good fight and I can help them do the same.
  • helenatienza2009
    Hi! let me just say wow! you do a lot! 4 kids+school+work! I am 8 weeks post partum and had a very unhelthy pregnancy, got 80 lbs and have only lost 35 so far, I'm here looking for support and motivation. I love sweets and it would be great to have someone tontalk to when I feel weak and about to give up to the midnight ice cream pint lol. I am in school too... and breast feeding my lovely baby girl. I am so looking forward to change not only the way I look tight now but my overall health, energy levels. I really want to go back to a fit life style... we can do this!