How much weight a week am I looking at?

enembe Posts: 11 Member
Is there some type of calculator or anything like that where I can see about how much weight I should expect to lose given the circumstances. I used to weigh like 130 in the beginning of 2014. Due to lack of exercise and diet (Which I used to exercise regularly back then.) I gained about 40 pounds. I laid off the alcohol and lost 10, so I am about 160, give or take. I am 5'4". I intend to start eating around 1300 calories, which may not be enough, which is another reason I am here. My son just started first grade and from where we live, his school is 0.9 miles away so almost a mile. Therefore, he cannot ride the bus. (Your house has to be over 2 miles away to do so.) We don't have any other means of transportation, so I have to walk him to and from school and then I have to walk back and there also. So that would add up to 3.6 miles 5 times a week. I try to walk relatively fast, and then as fast as I can while he's with me. There's also a very big hill on the way back from the school. I have not been exercising at all for at least a year, if not more. I intend to try to eat as healthy as possible, but with our budget, it's a little hard. Thanks for any input, advice or help.


  • enembe
    enembe Posts: 11 Member
    Also, what activity level would this be considered as far as moderately active, very active, etc.
  • Keilatan
    Keilatan Posts: 1 Member
    A mile burns about 80cal so 4 times a day is 320. So I would say that's moderately active. Very active of for the rest of your day you are on your feet. It depends how quickly you want to lose the weight as to how low you can go calorie wise and how much of your exercise calories you intend to eat
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    for every 500 cals daily defict you cna generate then you are looking at a thoeretical 1lb a week weight loss. With 30lbs to lose then id be looking at 1lb a week as a realistic target. the closer you get then it mayb fall to .5lb a week.

    Eating healthy is for nutrition, weight loss is about deficit and how much.

    The walk seems to be a great thing as it has a pirpose and it will be consistent. That coudl account for 1/2lb a week so you cna find the other 1/2 from just eating a bit less.
  • enembe
    enembe Posts: 11 Member
    Ok, thank you both so much. I'm just hoping it will come off relatively quick, but I know I have to be realistic as well. I only used to exercise about 40 minutes a day and when I was losing the weight to get to 130, it was coming off about a lb a week, but I also watched my calorie intake very carefully. I'm not that pressed about getting back to 130, I would be happy at 140. When I look at my older pics I had on here, that's when I weighed about 130 and I prefer my face to be a little bit fuller.