I know it starts with me ... But I'm not scared to say I need you



  • tamstar19812015
    tamstar19812015 Posts: 12 Member
    This may sound crazy but I started realizing that with so many things not just food I created who I am by defining small things that added up to create a picture of who I saw myself as. For example anytime someone brought up the subject of beans I would say, "I hate beans except green beans". Announcing what they should know about me..who Lynn is. I really felt that was me. "I hate exercise. I have never liked it", "Oh no, not me. I have to have my steak and m&m's", "I can never stick with anything". ...All these things. Once I started really hearing myself I decided I don't have to be what I've always been. Lyn probably loves beans she just hasn't tried them since she was a kid. My new years resolution that year was to try all those healthy foods when they were offered or on a menu. Then one day I said, I , Lynn am going to be that person who gets up early and goes to the gym. Later I decided I am going to be the person who eats healthy and I will be that person I see doing triathlons. It is who I am. You can be the person who lives a healthy lifestyle. I slip up sometimes but I just start over the next meal or the next day. That restarting happens to everyone but the person you want to be keeps going. Restart every day if you have to. This whole thing may sound really Corny but WHO does tamstar really want to be? Forget who you've always been.

    This is great advice - thanks so much Lynn!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Congrats on this journey you put yourself on! I am not a pro at this, but these last 24 lbs lost have been quite a joy to unload. I did a couple of things different. I became accountable in everything I say and do. My motto..."Do what I say, and say what I mean". You can't just say you are going to lost weight, and track your food, and be better at this journey without getting tough with yourself and just do it. My kitchen is more disiplined, more proactive in my journey. So cleaning up the pantry is a great thing to do. Saying no to foods that won't help you is another. Just like I determine who my friends are, I determine what goes into my body. And what says goes. So the friends that are manipulative and just eating fast food friends, well you need to wiegh their relationship. Family goes in that group too. Its a tough thing, but you determine how well you do. Do I sound too harsh? Maybe, but I am 53 so I have a right to be... haha.
  • awliyo31
    awliyo31 Posts: 2 Member
    Lossing weight is easy if you really mean it. I lost 30 lbs in two months. It needs dedication and decision. The best way to loose weight is to "WATCH WHAT YOU EAT". Eliminate most of sweety stuff and count your daily calories. Stay away from SODAs and drink plenty of water. Above all, be patient and keep doing this, and in few weeks you will see the difference. BTW I like faty girls, so it's OK if you don't loose much.. *joking* ;)
  • tamstar19812015
    tamstar19812015 Posts: 12 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Congrats on this journey you put yourself on! I am not a pro at this, but these last 24 lbs lost have been quite a joy to unload. I did a couple of things different. I became accountable in everything I say and do. My motto..."Do what I say, and say what I mean". You can't just say you are going to lost weight, and track your food, and be better at this journey without getting tough with yourself and just do it. My kitchen is more disiplined, more proactive in my journey. So cleaning up the pantry is a great thing to do. Saying no to foods that won't help you is another. Just like I determine who my friends are, I determine what goes into my body. And what says goes. So the friends that are manipulative and just eating fast food friends, well you need to wiegh their relationship. Family goes in that group too. Its a tough thing, but you determine how well you do. Do I sound too harsh? Maybe, but I am 53 so I have a right to be... haha.

    Not at all harsh! I do need to be totally disciplined! Thanks for the advice!
  • tamstar19812015
    tamstar19812015 Posts: 12 Member
    Lossing weight is easy if you really mean it. I lost 30 lbs in two months. It needs dedication and decision. The best way to loose weight is to "WATCH WHAT YOU EAT". Eliminate most of sweety stuff and count your daily calories. Stay away from SODAs and drink plenty of water. Above all, be patient and keep doing this, and in few weeks you will see the difference. BTW I like faty girls, so it's OK if you don't loose much.. *joking* ;)

    Thanks for the advice.... And "joke" lol :#
  • takepi
    takepi Posts: 23 Member
    Hi. We're in a similar place I've just posted about me in a separate thread. Hope you're sticking to it! School holidays are surprisingly good times for me - MFP wise! Have a great day. K
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Hey :) Taking the step back onto MFP is an accomplishment in itself. It shows that you WANT to lose weight. There's lots of great advice floating around here and lots of friendly motivating people that want to help you.

    You just have to realise that they can only help you to help yourself. All the work will be done by you and you'll feel so proud of yourself for the payoff.

    -I'll send an invite :)