Eating "dirty" and IBS (possibly tmi)



  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Were you reducing your fat intake and suddenly ate way more fat than normal? Your gallbladder releases bile in response to fat and larger amounts of food, so if you've been eating a higher percentage of fats/oil/grease your gallbladder may be releasing a lot more bile more quickly. The result of that is many trips to the bathroom and increased urgency.
    Weight loss or a low-cal/low-fat diet can cause problems in the gallbladder arena for some people (like me) and mimic symptoms of IBS.
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I hate that the foods I love mess with my system, but they do. I have had to become one of those fiber watching people which I swore I would never do. I always thought that was for grannies.

    I don't want to swear off the delicious things, but I do know I need to get better at moderation.
  • purplishblue
    purplishblue Posts: 135 Member
    As someone with IBS too, high fat foods are a trigger for IBS attacks. That's most likely why.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    +1 do an elimination diet. this one was easy for me to do (there's also this one for the other kind of IBS

    Between that and reading about fodmaps, I figured out that wheat (or gluten) is a trigger, and fructans too. There are actually a lot of "clean" foods that are triggers for me (a lot of fruits, it turns out. Many of which I didn't like anyway, probably bc they had such an immediate effect :/).

    I still have some wheat-based things, but in smaller amounts, and usually with something my gut likes better. And sometimes I just want that thing and have it, knowing I'll pay :/ (I stay the hell away from the "bad" fruits, though, bc that is insta-pain)
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Growing up with these sort if symptoms maybe I've become desensitized to them? I'm just realizing how crazy it was not having them during the 3 months I've been watching my diet.
    I wonder if it was 1 or a couple things that cause it for me, or just bad eating in general?

    Very possible. I had totally been used to things going a certain way, took it for granted that that's just how my body was. Now that I've made some changes to my diet, I see that it's possible to NOT have those problems :)
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful info pplz. Glad I'm not the only one who's seen a change. Time to go back to my oatmeal breakfasts and chicken/veggie dinners :P
  • caffeinatedcami
    caffeinatedcami Posts: 168 Member
    Greasy food is really hard on most people's digestive tracts. IBS can be mild or severe but whether you had it or not I'm glad your symptoms cleared up. I have eaten pretty "clean" for years (whole grains, lots of vegetables,fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins) and my IBS is still definitely something I have to deal with.
  • soapsandropes
    soapsandropes Posts: 269 Member
    The best way to figure it out is to keep a symptom journal along with tracking your foods. Not only will it make you listen to you body but it will point out trends that might tell you what to cut back on.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I had severe gall bladder disease and after removal, I suffered from IBS for years. I remember a particularly bad experience after eating Subway (ever hear of Dumping Syndrome?) Once I started eating way better, my IBS and DS are gone. But the moment I start eating bad again, I'm immediately sick.