Who/What supports and motivates you?

We all know how tough the battle is to lose weight, especially when going at it alone. My husband recently returned from a 10 month deployment and needless to say my goal was to get in shape before he came home. I stress ate so much and I didn't realize it until a couple of weeks ago at the beach. He does not need to get into shape or lose weight but he is eating he is healthier with me and keeping me in check. I could not do this without him as easily.
What else keeps you going in this journey? Friends, small reward when you his a goal, or health..
I would love to know so I can give my mom and aunt suggestions to get them motivated again!!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I love being healthy and fit...that's pretty much it for me. I've seen both sides...growing up I was an athlete and always active and very fit and healthy...I let myself slip for about a decade and then rediscovered fitness...being fit and healthy is far more awesome than not.
  • chey282
    chey282 Posts: 96 Member
    I grew up very sedentary, my parents were sedentary as well. I ended up with lots of health issues fibromyalgia being one of them, depression from not being able to get pregnant etc. I was almost bedridden, we moved and shortly after adopted a little boy. I started out just trying to keep up with him, when he joined cub scouts, I was still just trying to keep up. But then I became his den leader and then had 8 boys looking up to me. And a LOT more physical challenges!!! So little by little, I've pushed thru to where now, I'm down 55 lbs, working out daily, and determined when he gets into Boy Scouts I will be able to load my gear and unload my gear by myself! Love the camping, and it's honestly what's pushed me to get in shape. The guys have all been terrific about helping me, but I always feel like the fat, helpless female, and I'm pretty independent, so hated needing help. My efforts have seemed to inspire others, which is a terrific feeling and right now is all that's keeping me going! That and I can't quit. It would set a really bad example for my son!
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Surrounding yourself with like minded people and having a strong "why". Feel free to add me for support. ankdworak
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    edited August 2015
    My fur baby is my motivation. He was a rescue dog, abandoned and pick up on the streets as a stray. He was transferred to our local shelter after the town he was found in couldn't find him a home, he was then adopted out and returned. We got him a couple weeks after that. Big lab/husky mix. Tons of energy. Everyday after dinner he knows its time to go for our walk. He is relentless. There have been days I just wanted to sit, but he's there in my face, whining, insisting we go. I know he has forced me to move my behind. He also loves to go fast. He pushes me to walk faster. At first I'd be panting harder than the dog but I've gotten gradually better and we've even started running a bit.

    He is definitely an example of how an animal rescued can also rescue you.