6 weeks into maintenance...losing fat ( I hope )

I think it's been 6 weeks...I started on july 8..well I re-adjusted my calories, to a whooping 2,190 ,that's the most I've ever eaten in my whole life, it's really hard,but I keep trying,so I used the gym scale,the one I always use, and ... I found I lost 3 lbs. I haven't been taped and pinched ( the calliper thing ) but I assume it's fat loss, since I'm lifting heavy,resting,eating a lot,and well I am really impressed one can eat so much and lose fat,that's why I wanted to share it here. Oh yeah, I increased my protein intake by double almost.

Ah right, I'm 155 cms, current weight is..humm 125lbs, was 130 not too long ago, I don't have a goal weight,I want to get to around 20% body fat,also i'm gonna be 33 this year ^^

So happy,yaay!


  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    Congrats! If you keep losing weight you will probably need to up your calories a little bit if you want to maintain your weight.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Yep, the lifting and doubling your Protein will do it.
    Nice one!
  • Katzedernacht
    Katzedernacht Posts: 266 Member
    Thank you ,thank you,well I think I'd only worry about weight if it gets as low as mmm 110? but I hope to keep going like this,then i can think of packing some muscle :smile: