open diary...I caved tonight

Hi guys, so I opened my diary so everyone could see my week and a half journey...I know it's only the beginning...I'm trying so hard! But I'm kind of beating myself up over dinner tonight, I feel like I messed up and I had been on a role...going to the gym 3x a week...actually really like it! I was just so hungry tonight and my child wanted a kids meal after her class tonight and I caved...I like going to this app because there is so much you still eat what you want within your calorie goal? I'm just not great at figuring out what to eat so far...I'm constantly looking at the calories...this is the first time in a week and a half that I've even drank something besides water...trying not to feel's tough though, but I know it will be worth it in the end...


  • tiffanycompton33
    tiffanycompton33 Posts: 56 Member
    Don't beat yourself up girly! You can eat fast food every once in awhile! Not every day is going to be great. You were only a 100 calories over. You can look at my diary. It has more bad things than good things as of late and I'm still losing. I think a lot of us go over at least once a week. I personally think you should allow yourself some of those things in moderation (maybe two times eating fast food a month and maybe not over 800 calories) but that's just me. I am one of those moderation people.
  • elarian
    elarian Posts: 18 Member
    Meh, it's one day. Life moves on and tomorrow is another day! Try to shake it off and start fresh. I do eat within my calorie goal. For a whole week :wink: I don't have starving kids to deal with, though! Makes my life easier.
    Have you thought about adding fresh fruits and veggies to your meal routine? Maybe next time you are starving, you can munch on a tub of veggies? Grab an apple out of your purse etc?

    Good luck and don't be discouraged! Be fierce and focused :smiley:
  • Darton2010
    Darton2010 Posts: 137 Member
    I now eat what I want, I don't focus on a calorie limit but am usually in 1200-1300 range, I have taught my brain what it wants and craves now and is different than before. I follow a hunter gatherers diet eating all natural no processed foods except for protein bars, meats, cheeses, REAL butter and whatever else I feel like having that day, it's all low cal high protein, it's been a few years since I had a burger and fries from a fast food place or a bowl of pasta which was all I used to eat before my life style change over a year ago. Now I crave vegetables or a protein bar and not pasta or pizza because I cut all that out a long time ago and I only crave what I Allowed myself to eat.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yeah don't beat yourself up. It's your first week and a half. You are still learning. I probably would have done the same thing except I wouldn't have had 300 calories in tea.
  • greatful4grace
    greatful4grace Posts: 32 Member
    Hi guys, so I opened my diary so everyone could see my week and a half journey...I know it's only the beginning...I'm trying so hard! But I'm kind of beating myself up over dinner tonight, I feel like I messed up and I had been on a role...going to the gym 3x a week...actually really like it! I was just so hungry tonight and my child wanted a kids meal after her class tonight and I caved...I like going to this app because there is so much you still eat what you want within your calorie goal? I'm just not great at figuring out what to eat so far...I'm constantly looking at the calories...this is the first time in a week and a half that I've even drank something besides water...trying not to feel's tough though, but I know it will be worth it in the end...

  • greatful4grace
    greatful4grace Posts: 32 Member
    I agree, don t beat yourself up. It s the changes your making to consider. Be realistic, you can still enjoy eating what you like. just portion sizes is key. I find if I m craving something and avoid it, I ll eat the whole house down, instead I should have had the thing I was craving so I would have been satisfied in the first place... give your self credit, gym is a big change. dieting to lose weight stinks, cuz you ll gain it back. Change the way you eat & don t avoid certain things you like. You want to be able to live this way all the time & enjoy life. I eat better now, but if I want a hot fudge sundae I have it. Exercise is freeing, just do a little more when I indulge in a craving. feel free to add me as a friend
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hi guys, so I opened my diary so everyone could see my week and a half journey...I know it's only the beginning...I'm trying so hard! But I'm kind of beating myself up over dinner tonight, I feel like I messed up and I had been on a role...going to the gym 3x a week...actually really like it! I was just so hungry tonight and my child wanted a kids meal after her class tonight and I caved...I like going to this app because there is so much you still eat what you want within your calorie goal? I'm just not great at figuring out what to eat so far...I'm constantly looking at the calories...this is the first time in a week and a half that I've even drank something besides water...trying not to feel's tough though, but I know it will be worth it in the end...

    Looking at your diary for the last week.... you're fine. You went over 100 calories today, and 52 yesterday, but you were 500 under the day before that, so you're still at a deficit. You're under more days than you're at your goal. You need to look at your entire week overall, since you're trying to shoot for a weekly deficit, after all. Don't sweat it, you're golden.
  • murrluvsya
    murrluvsya Posts: 9 Member
    Starving might be a sign of lack of protein. I had this problem at first where I would randomly become ravenous and needing to eat (anything). My trainer looked at my log and said that I needed to kick up the protein which also helps burn fat but at the same time keeps nice lean muscle you worked hard on getting at the gym. Since I'm not a huge meat eater protein shake immediately following my workout helped out a lot! Good luck and don't give up! It's just a bad day it doesn't have to be a bad life
  • ErinWard1986
    ErinWard1986 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I hit the gym harder today so far than any other day. I did an hour Zumba class, then walked a mile, and did 100 crunches and arm presses. I'm motivated! Just felt like I backslid a little after all that! Are egg whites pretty good for a breakfast option? Right now I normally have a nutriblast smoothie (Fruits and veggies) or nutrigrain bar...trying to expand lol
  • ErinWard1986
    ErinWard1986 Posts: 46 Member
    @murrluvsya...what type of protein shake do you have? That's a good idea...that's actually kind of how I felt...I think my protein is lacking some...
  • murrluvsya
    murrluvsya Posts: 9 Member
    @ErinWard1986 I use one called Perfect Fit. It's plant based and has about 15 grams of protein. I also like it because it's glueten free and non GMO. You can also cook with it like making protein pancakes yum.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    You are fine, you didn't go over by much, don't be so hard on yourself, today is a new day and if you want something just fit it into your calories and move more to give yourself a few extra calories.
  • murrluvsya
    murrluvsya Posts: 9 Member
    Also regarding egg whites. So egg whites are great however the nutrients in the egg comes from the yolk. So I eat the entire egg with the intention getting all of the goodies it provides a. Also, I prefer to eat as clean as possible so I would stay away from processed food and sugars like nutrigrain bars. If you read the ingredients in those things their loaded with artificial things. Try eating steal cut oats with honey instead. I also like chia seed pudding. It's just 1 cup almond milk and 1/4 cup chia seeds and let sit over night for it to be in gelatin form. I then top with honey pecans and strawberries. If your looking for a good protein bar I like KIND.
  • GemmaGx
    GemmaGx Posts: 13 Member
    Honestly don't beat yourself up about it as you have to have a bit of what you like. Cutting things out completely can be unsustainable. I am having a bad week as haven't lost in last week and having issues with my dairy intolerance. I feel so bloated and down as scales are stuck at the minute. I have been pretty good to this point but today I have given in to my children's sweets. I figure it is not the end of the world. I have had a good day other than that at it is only 250 calories which is not going to undo all my good work. And boy were they so tasty! Might regret it though if they have any hidden dairy I am in for an uncomfortable night. But hey tomorrow is another day and I am definitely doing better than I would do without my diet plan! If you have a weak moment just keep on doing what you are doing- pick yourself back up and keep going with the diet/exercise. It will be worth it in the end. Sure you are doing great
  • NVBibby
    NVBibby Posts: 14 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, remember that weight loss, and fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. So you had one bad night? Remember to remind yourself that you are still doing things that are good for you. Dont let negative thoughts get in your way. The key to a happy healthy life (for me at least) is consistency. It'll be hard at first, but the quicker you pick yourself up and get right back to it, the easier it will be!
  • ErinWard1986
    ErinWard1986 Posts: 46 Member
    @murrluvsya can I add you as a friend? You have some great examples and I'd love to follow your diary!!