Wanna be friends? I'll let you look into my diary ;) Let's help each other! (weekly progress photos)

WARNING: You might look into my diary and not like what you see.

Over the years I've tried many diets to see what works best for me. I've committed to each diet program for the usual 8-12 weeks to see results. EACH AND EVERY ONE HAS WORKED :smile: But did I enjoy them all? Were they easy to follow? Did I feel good? Yes? No.

So what am I doing now? What are you doing now that works best for you? I know a bunch but I always welcome more information.

Like I said earlier, you might not like what you see in my diary. Yes, I did eat half a medium Hawaiian pizza to myself.. But believe it or not, it's part of my program. I put it in there. Thank you Flexible Dieting aka Macro nutrients aka THE BASICS.

Questions? Answers? Let's help each other. I'll do my best!

Off to the gym for now!