Completely discouraged and need help

Okay, I have to do this. I'm in my 50's and was just laid off from my 20 year career. I've always struggled with weight but now it's getting bad. I need help but for the first time in my life I'm just not sure I can do this.....


  • muaylex
    muaylex Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! My name is Lexy...All I want to tell you is I know you think it seems hard, you have a lot of stress on your shoulder at the moment but DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! The only wy to gain your self confident and self respect back is to make yourself feel better...if your weight is to the point that is unbearable, hard for you to walk, feel tired, working out and losing weight will make you feel better insidee and out! don't give up...We are all here to lose weight and feel better about ourselves!
  • Sorry to hear about the job, but on the bright side now you can focus on your health! Never ever give up, there is no substitute for persistence. Don't ever think of it as a weight thing, you can get skinny eating six ho-hos a day you'll just be killing yourself. If you make a mistake early in the day never say "of screw it, I'll start tomorrow". Oh well you had a bad morning, don't make it worse and get back on track. Always stand up. The actual mental fortitude is something you are just going to have to make a conscience effort to get better at, and you will of course have ups and downs. But you can do it. We all can. We all just have our own pace.

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