Emotional driven Yo Yo Dieter-

I am age 50 and love food period. However I have been though a lot of ups and downs which causes me to lose weight at a rapid pace when stressed and upset, then I get happy and peaceful and the pounds pack on. I have tried every fad product out there. My newest one is Belviq. Does any one here take this and what is your experience? I lost 60 lbs, had a tummy tuck and then gained 65 lbs back.


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Joy it just cut out foods containing sugar and/or grains. I guess you can call that a subtraction vs an addition diet. :)


    Now I have read about the drug Belviq.
  • Joy_Jenkins
    Joy_Jenkins Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks. I read all about it before I went to endocrinologist for annual checkup. Hormones play such a big role in weight gain and loss Ugh.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I just go with the basic eating at a calorie allotment. nothing fancy. nothing special to buy. just log my food, and stay at what my calorie goal should be-usually.

    log your food, weigh your food. deal with your emotions instead of stuffing them down with food. food does not actually provide the same comfort as resolving the issues. consider differnet ways of dealing with stress, like journaling or exercise.