This question is for those of you who have been working at weight loss for awhile...

Does anyone else come up against this problem. People around me assume that because I have been overweight for 10 years that I am unaware of what it takes to lose weight. I am emailed, mailed, and politely suggested to try the latest fad that comes around constantly. I don't want to go into the fact that part of the reason that I am the weight I am is because I have tried EVERY last plan, trick, pill and gimic that has come around. and with some, there was no loss. With some, there was good weight loss until I stopped the pill, injection, fast. And then I gained that weight back plus some.

I am intelligent person. I am assuming the people around me know that. I don't understand why they don't consider that I have in fact researched and learned about the appropriate way to lose weight. That I am doing what I should be, eating healthy food in appropriate quantities and exercising at safe levels. That after spending the first 30 years of my life bulimic and obsessively exercising (and yes, being a size 2) that I am now taking care of myself. and yes, that means that the weight comes off slowly.

Anyway...sorry about all of that. What I really want to know is what you do in that situation. Is there a polite way to tell them to butt out?


  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    edited August 2015
    I think it happens to all of us. It's more than just with the losing weight thing though. When I had my babies I got told what to do and how to raise them constantly. I'm an old mom, I did my research but still, people wanted to give me advise. After reflection though, (even if it drove me crazy) I decided they did it because they cared about me. The best thing I ever did was not talk about my food anymore except to say, I've been craving salad. Or, I'm just not hungry and kept all my counting to myself. But you're right, these are all people who get really upset if You give Them advise. Just gotta shrug it off. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I agree. My little sister is WAY too unhealthy thin...and she will constantly tell me about different fasts or juice diets or...the a pill with every form of stimulant possible in it. "Everyone on maui is losing tons of weight on it"...well ya! It's speed. But here's the kicker...right now I have really high blood pressure and about the worst thing in the world for me would to be on stimulants.

  • khenrickson65
    khenrickson65 Posts: 15 Member
    All that stuff is crap and a gimmic. JMO. Its tooooo easy. Calories in, calories out. A basic understanding of nutrition and what the body needs can tell you that. Just avoid the topic all together. Or politely change the convo. GLW your goals!