Force yourself to like a sport?

I love watching folks fall in love with running. Even moreso when they start out absolutely hating it, pushing through the hate phase, and eventually becoming a lover of the sport. I'm not a runner myself. Sure, I've done a couple 5k's,even own a treadmill, but running as my fitness routine is not something I enjoy. Cycling is my thing, my passion, and the challenge of enduring very long rides is something that drives me, motivates me, something I look forward to.

Despite this, I still feel like I'm cheating myself for not forcing the issue with running. I already *have* an endurance sport that I love, and that I'm really good at. Love it enough I got married at the starting line of the MS-150 ride a couple years ago. So why do I have this non-stop desire to try to learn to love running? When I compare the two sports, all I can think of is the pro's of cycling over running, so why do I feel like I'm short changing myself? It's bizarre to feel conflicted over this. It's like, well, if I want to learn to love it, just start a program and do it, then just wait and see.....but how long before you cross that line in the sand? Does everyone eventually learn to love something if they stick with it long enough?

Anyone out there in the same boat (regardless of the sports involved)? Care to offer some insight into this?