Fitness tracker??

I'd like to get a fitness tracker bc my phone is just a pain to carry everywhere and making sure I get my steps in and making goals for myself is that little extra motivation that might just work. What have you had the best luck w? Preferably one that will link w myfitnesspal.. Thankyou!


  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I currently have a FitBit Flex, which syncs perfectly with MyFitnessPal. I enjoy the weekly step challenges, and I do get motivated to see all the lights lit up! I am looking forward to getting a new FitBit Charge HR, I think the heart rate monitor could be fun to use.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I love my Fitbit. When you connect your accounts & enable negative calorie adjustments, MFP adjusts your calories every day to TDEE minus deficit. And Fitbit challenges are great motivation—and fun!

    Which model you choose is entirely a matter of personal preference:
  • yangt41
    yangt41 Posts: 33 Member
    Fitbit Charge HR all the way! I absolutely love mine! Pricing is about $150. Pretty pricey but definitely worth the investment. Very motivating to get moving or else you won't reach your goals for the day. Highly suggest getting it!
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    I have a Jawbone Up2. Love it. Syncs to MFP. I didn't spring for the model with a heart rate monitor (reading up on it, just didn't feel was necessary for me). It's really helped me understand my activity level - turns out I was more active than I'd given myself credit for, which helped me figure out my calorie goals and get a sensible rate of loss. The daily challenges are a nice motivator. Also points out trends in my activity and sleep patterns.