Getting your numbers just right

Hi all-- here's something I've always struggled with in terms of counting calories-- I can never get it just right. Example: I'll hit my protein/carb goals but my fat numbers will be over or vise versa. And anytime I adjust, one of the other categories gets thrown off.

How do you deal with this?



  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    I prelog my food in the morning / night before, so I can get an idea where the final totals will lie, then tweak as needed. I also don't worry too much about a goal being off, if I can correct it over the next couple of days with a small adjustment.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    It's very hard to get it exactly right, even on a weekly basis. You just get as close as you can. Review your items to see what's putting you over then tweak from there.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Ps. If you're close don't sweat it.
  • I have a range I want to fall into for each.
    carbs (173g-229g)
    protein (109g-165g)
    fats (45g-75g)

    these numbers are for when I'm eating around 2,000 calories a day and is a personal preference.
    I don't worry about the MFP number, being that it's an exact number, it would be nearly impossible to hit, because all you'd have to do is eat more or less calories then MFP suggests.

    That being said, it's good to look and make sure your nutrients aren't all out of whack, I use the percentage pie chart in the app to check if I'm in the range I want to be in.