New to this approach

Hi. My name's Ess, and I'm not new to mfp, but I AM new to using it as a health-conscious tool to achieve reasonable personal goals, rather than as a basic calculator to track my calories while suffering through prolonged bouts of pretty disordered restrictive "extreme dieting".

If you have a similar background, or if we're similar in our stats or goals, I think I'd really like to hear from you and maybe we can help each other stay accountable?

I am 5'9" and weigh 163 lbs. My current goal is 140 lbs, with a probable ultimate goal of 130 lbs. So if you're about my height and weight, or if you have different stats but a similar 20-to-30-lb loss goal, or a couple of disorderly skeletons in your closet, hit me up!

Oh and I may as well mention: I'll keep things clean in the general forums, but if I blog or anything like that, imma probably swear a lot. Hope that's cool? It's just, I'll never stick with this if I have to be all sunshine and lollipops like I tried to be over at Sparkpeople.