Walking with with incline on treadmill or Running

First off good evening i have a question is walking on the treadill with incline for 30 mins the same as running on the treadmill with no incline walking i burn about 650 cal and running about 550 but running my heart rate is much higher witch is better plz help


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Calorie burn is determined by intensity of workload, not by activity.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Degree for degree of incline, you will burn the same calories per mile, walking or running.

    So, for your question, it depends on the amount of incline for walking.

    Now, why is your heart rate so much higher for running than walking (Regardless of incline)? Intensity.

    Which is "better"? Subjective. What are your goals? Both work different systems. Walking with a high degree of incline works your lower body very heavily, whereas running taxes your cardiovascular system.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    jnewton909 wrote: »
    First off good evening i have a question is walking on the treadill with incline for 30 mins the same as running on the treadmill with no incline walking i burn about 650 cal and running about 550 but running my heart rate is much higher witch is better plz help

    How are you judging your burn

    Also intensity matters

    When jogging on a treadmill it should at least be at 1% incline