I'm back again...Altamonte, FL

Hello MFP!! This is my third time downloading this app. Willing to try it again. My name is Nikki. I'm 28 and a mother of a beautiful baby boy who is 15 months. Having a baby is the most beautiful thing but the weight you gain with it is awful. I'm really trying to shake this baby weight. My goal is to lose at least 60 pounds and to fit back into my clothes before I got pregnant.

I normally participate in fad diets get bored -&& gain the weight right back so this has to be a lifestyle change for me.

I was very sucessful with green smoothies -&& lost 17 pounds but gained it back because i did not remain consistent. I am now eating healthy meals with one green smoothie a day -&& working out. NO JUNK FOOD! LOL I do work in a office setting so I am sitting for 8 hours out of my day :| this makes it hard to lose weight. Please don’t hesitate to share any suggestions or ideas.

Looking for motivational -&& inspiration friends to help me stay on track. Feel free to add me -&& let’s enjoy this journey together!