Is walking enough?

Jezibel Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all, new to these parts :)
I want to lose weight very gradually, I am doing this by eating healthier, watching portions, going 500 cal below the recommended (1800) and getting out of the house 2-3 times a day.
My question: is walking enough?
I do about 3 miles a day so far, at a 3 mile an hour pace.


  • Yes it can. As long as you plug everything right in this program it should be enough.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Walking is great exercise, walking briskly which it sounds like you are, can be a great calorie burner and its low impact so you're unlikely to get injured. When I first started here walking 30 minutes a day was ALL I did and I lost weight quickly. I find that pumping my arms gets me going even faster.

    I would say stick with it, and maybe gradually you could move up to more intense work outs like jogging or riding a bike, but if you feel you can't do anything else or hate everything else, I see absolutely nothing wrong with just walking.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Walking is enough.

    Just remember that when your weight loss begins to slow down or plateau you may have to increase your mileage a little or shorten the time it takes you to do your 3 miles by a little.

    Walking is great!!! Good luck and Welcome to MFP!!!!
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    my mom is 55 and since she joined MFP (4 months ago) she's lost nearly 30 pounds by watching her portions and cutting back on the "big ticket" items like cheese buns and all she does for exercise is a steady hour walk a day - she also gardens which I'm sure burns calories, but yeah - a walk a day and she's pouring off the weight!

    And when I had my daughter I took her for two shorter stroller walks a day and dropped 30 pounds. . . which I put on and kept on after my second (got busier!) and am trying to lose now.

    But yes - walking is more than enough!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    i walk due to a back and rotator cuff injury. sometimes i will go to a pool and walk in it as well for a change-up or if i am hurting.

    i have successfully ambled so far and wish you the best of luck!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would say definately yes, you are getting out and doing something which is exercise and that is great
  • nakiasyree
    nakiasyree Posts: 11
    YES! Walking is enough. Walking is the most overlooked way of losing weight. There are so many benefits of walking, it's easier on your knees than running, but the most important thing in my view is that it gets you moving and most everyone can do it.

    My only suggestion is that as you become healthier that you mix it up a bit. Walk a little faster on one of your days. Go on an incline at 3.0 mph. And on your off days do some type of strength training. And you even with that you don't need to have weights. Do squats, lunges, push ups, etc.

    You will do great. I'm on your side.

    P.S. my main exercise is walking and I have seen success with it. Good Luck.
  • Walking is awesome, it is prolly the easiest, free exercise you can do.

    I like to crank the tunes and just walk it out. Another thing I like to do is shadowbox while I'm walking. I did it weightfree for a while, then I added little 3 lb wrist weights, and I really feel the burn in my arms. I dont think there is a way to specifically measure calorie burn from the shadow boxing add-in, but it feels good and adds something to the monotony that can be walking...

    To paraphrase Kid Rock, "If you feel it, It is real..."
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    My only consistent exercise is walking :) I have two small girls and no time to plan exercise so good thing my office is quite a hike from the commuter train!
  • Even JIllian and Bob will tell you that YES walking is enough...Now i do some strength and all so i dont get bored plus I want to tone but YES walking is enough as long as you stick to your calorie plans
  • I agree that walking is a great way to burn calories, however if you want to tone the arms or legs and lose some inches, strength training is the way to go. I recently joined a gym, and one of the things they said is that if all you do is cardio and absolutely no strength training, the weight will come off but some of that could you be you burning up muscles instead of just fat.

    That doesn't mean you have to go to the gym 3 or 4 days a week and kill yourself on those machines. Maybe next time on your walk take 2 water bottles or something that has a little weight to it and do some bicep curls while walking. Or if you are at home sitting down take two books and do some different arm exercises with them. Do a couple squats before walking. Maybe by some light ankle weights for when you walk to help your legs. You'll burn the calories, but you may also see your arms, legs, etc looking a little bit smaller as you go.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Well I have been walking at 3mph for 60 mins a day ( I usually watch tv and don't notice the time ) for 14 days now and I do about 15 mins of stregth training including crunches, arm exercises and sqauts and So far I have only lost 1 lb but I did lose a total of 8.25 inches .... honestly I would love to see the scale move but losing inches is awesome !!!!! Good luck and keep it up .Another issue I have is getting my water ugh I hate water but have found that crystal light singles help alot I now get at least 12 cups a day :drinker:
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    Walking is a great gateway drug, oops, I mean exercise. ;) I started walking just twice a week. Then it turned into 3xs then 5xs then started jogging. Walking is great on it's own but I think you'll find once you get started you'll want to do more and more.

    Good luck to you!!
  • Jezibel
    Jezibel Posts: 2
    Wow, I went out for my daily walk and came back to all these wonderful, supportive responses!

    This is great, makes me feel good so many people are doing what I am doing, THANK YOU ALL for your replies and I am with you all as well! :)
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi all, new to these parts :)
    I want to lose weight very gradually, I am doing this by eating healthier, watching portions, going 500 cal below the recommended (1800) and getting out of the house 2-3 times a day.
    My question: is walking enough?
    I do about 3 miles a day so far, at a 3 mile an hour pace.

    Walking is such excellent exercise, doesn't strain the joints like running does and it definitely keeps you fit.

    I do lots of walking myself so I damn well hope it's enough :laugh:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Ok well. I dont think walking is enough , not when looking at the big picture. You really need to add some strength training in there too. Walking is a great form of exercise, but it shouldnt be your only form of exercise. You need to build muscle, and the more that you have, the more calories you burn :) good luck to you!

    PS, if you cant join a gym check your local cable on demand section and find some workouts there. you can buy little hand weights and have your self a good ol strength training workout at home! :flowerforyou:
  • I've been sedentary for almost 4 years for various reasons. I'm ready to start moving again, but the excess weight makes too much exercise extremely difficult.

    I'm hoping walking & just some good, old-fashioned calisthenics does the trick for awhile. Then when I limber up, get stronger & more breath, THEN I can get involved in more serious aerobic & strength work.
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