Ate 3200 cals in Sunday oh MY!



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't want to regain those 43 Pound's. I still want to lose 5 more lol

    I'm in the same boat, exactly.

    Eat at a deficit. 250 calories or so... if you know you're likely to eat more on week ends, pick a bigger deficit (mine is 400, but I don't care if I go a bit over). That way even if you have one bad day, you'll still be at a deficit for the week.

    I have 1-2 bad days every week and still manage to keep a 1000-2000 deficit. Only reason I haven't lost is that PMS is crazy for me and I typically eat 3000 extra calories that week, which pretty much wipes out 2 or 3 weeks of deficit. But I'll get there eventually (I lost one of my vacation pounds this month, so there's hope, lol).
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Saturdays are my eat what I want day, I usually scoff 2500 cals.. .I eat slightly at deficit the other days just so I can do that on Sats :smiley:
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Glad I'd stored up some extra deficits in the lead up to last weekend. Hit it extra hard at the gym yesterday and I've kept my sodium low. Water weight has already come off - yay!

  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    Down only 3 Pound's from Monday.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    MasterVal wrote: »
    When I was losing and had a tremendous drive and dedication for the first 6 or so months during which NOTHING could take me of course, I read posts like these and thought "pfft, they are weak, suck it up, stay the course"

    But, I'm so glad I read these posts because now I know that going over your budget will happen, just a matter of time. Coping with going over budget on your own not necessarily easy and could easily push someone over the "*kitten* it!, I'm done" line and cause to fall off the wagon, as they say. Posts like these provide so much motivation and encouragement - it will happen, be ready, own it, log it, life goes on.

    MFP app has a great weekly report of the last 7 days under Nutrition->Calories which shows "Net Average" - an average daily calories for the last 7 days and unless you binged for the entire last 7 days, that number is not affected much by one day of overeating. I use this report to "calm me down" and just a few days of small deficit or extra cardio workout gets it back into the range.

    I wish I finally determine what causes me to be ravenous sometimes so I can plan accordingly. I think it might be my extra cardio from the past 2-5 days.

    This, yep. I recently upped my workouts (mostly cardio, some strength training) and I am HUNGRY. I used to have insane willpower and think, "Well, I'll just go to bed hungry then". Yeah, no. Now that I'm in maintenance, I eat. And if I'm hungry at night after working out, I still eat more. I maintain a small deficit so on those days, it's just like, "Oops" but NBD.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    We've all been there; I was on a "sugar express" a few weeks ago which took a few days to recover from. Just consider it water under the bridge and get back on the wagon and forget abt it. B)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Anyone else have a Bingy weekend?
    What's your game plan going forward?

    Do it all the time. I usually eat conservatively during the week to allow more calories on the weekends. In cases I REALLY get some calories in, I just scratch the week and get back to it the next weeks. People FREAK when they binge and the reality is they might gain 2-3 pounds in a week if the REALLY ate big for a whole 7 days. They can moderate and drop it over the next week or two and smile knowing they enjoyed it.

    I dunno. People get caught up in this immediate results and returns mentality, and every day is critical...crazy.

  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Anyone else have a Bingy weekend?
    What's your game plan going forward?

    Do it all the time. I usually eat conservatively during the week to allow more calories on the weekends. In cases I REALLY get some calories in, I just scratch the week and get back to it the next weeks. People FREAK when they binge and the reality is they might gain 2-3 pounds in a week if the REALLY ate big for a whole 7 days. They can moderate and drop it over the next week or two and smile knowing they enjoyed it.

    I dunno. People get caught up in this immediate results and returns mentality, and every day is critical...crazy.

    True. But it's human. And frankly 3200 calories is very easy to consume in one day. Especially a weekend. Half that can easily be chalked up to alcohol too.
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it. We all have occasional days like this - as long as they are not a regular habit then fine, enjoy and get back to your normal healthy routine. I do that and ok I may occasionally gain a couple of pounds, but I keep an eye on it and I just watch what I'm eating after that and I ALWAYS keep to my regular exercise patterns.
  • Ate roughly the same (first weekend of holiday and I'm on my period, lethal combination) so my plan for now is to eat at loss tomorrow at least and do plenty of exercise to attempt damage limitation.