Preparing (mentally!) for the beach

So in about a week I'll be on the beach with a big group of friends. This trip has been my motivation all year. I weighed 175 on Jan. 1, 2013, and said to myself, "You know you're going to be on that beach in 6 months. You want to look and feel fabulous so do what you need to do to make it happen!" Might sound petty/superficial/shallow that *this* was my motivation, but I'm being honest in saying that it was.

I've lost 25 pounds; I'm 5'5 and 151 now. I have come a long way and I'm really proud of myself. However, I'm not the 135 I set out to become by this point.

My journey will continue after this trip -- but I could use some help in getting myself into a positive mental space. I've done everything *healthy* that I could do to prepare for this, but now I just have to accept the progress that I have made and the imperfections I still have to contend with (I'm on the brink of being "overweight" for my height and I have cellulite on my thighs).

Any words of motivation or inspiration will be greatly appreciated.

I have come such a long way -- I don't want to spend this vacation obsessing over my body when I've worked so hard for what I have achieved, even if it's not the toned, slim body I set out to get...


  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Do you have before photos and current photos? Whenever I feel down about my body I scroll through my progress photos and remind myself just how far I have come! :) You WILL get to the 135, just need a little more time. But for now you should go enjoy the beach, you friends and your new "in progress" body! :D You've come so far! Don't diss the 25 lbs, I'm sure you look great!! :D

    And remember, everyone has parts that they are self conscious about, just focus on the parts that you enjoy the most and go have fun! :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Oh and some really thin people have cellulite on their thighs still so I wouldn't stress about that. :) We are often our own biggest critics unfortunately, just think about how great of a trip you will have with all your friends! :)
  • shootergirlnc
    shootergirlnc Posts: 50 Member
    As someone who lives and grew up in a beach town, no one will think anything about what you look like. I've seen all types of bodies at the beach, but more or less I'm just concerned with where I'm going to lay my stuff, not about what the person near me looks like. If you're in the water, can't really see your body anyway. Just enjoy the surf, sand, and sun!
  • tails1315
    tails1315 Posts: 50
    My name is Lindsay. I have been with myfitnesspal for a while but I am just starting to get back into things. I have lost over 60 pounds and I have started a blog. If you would like to you can read about my weight loss journey and also get to see some gorgeous pictures of paradise! So please I am far from where I need to be so I still need lots of support but I also feel that I am at a point where I can provide support!. Feel free to add me if you need a motivational friend!

    my blog:
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    You'll probably be one of the 99.873588458% of people that will be thinking the same thing on that very day (guys and girls)(how do i look in this bathing suit/bikini/board shorts, is/are my azz/thighs/boobs/biceps too big/small, am i tanned enough, does my hair look ok, etc the poster that lives in the beach town said, enjoy the sun, sand and surf you will be ok...that is a great loss you've had imo and i'm sure you worked hard to you have any before/afters?
  • jackalope39
    jackalope39 Posts: 13 Member
    You are 25 pounds closer to your ideal you! You have worked hard, been consistent, and done all you can reasonably do.

    You've lost 15% of your body weight!

    You have rocked this out, you have actually DONE what most people pledge on January 1 and let go by January 15.

    Rock your accomplishments, put a giant smile on your face, get a great pair of sunglasses, and delight in everything you've done!
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    It's funny that you brought this up- I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and had an epiphany of sorts. I've spent way too much energy criticizing myself for what I wasn't rather than accepting myself for who I am and seeking to truly better myself from there- this has applied to weight, fitness and life in general. I was looking back at some photos from past trips where I thought I looked fat or this or that, and was like "Wow! I didn't even look bad!" I had wasted too much joy and thought to my own insecurities. That's not to say I don't have goals or the realization that it takes sacrifice and dedication to reach them, it's just choosing to be positive and kind to myself with where I am while I continue forward to where I want to be.

    People will not be concerned with your cellulite or perceived imperfections- they're looking at their own!! Congrats on the weight loss and have fun at the beach!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I am mentally not ready but trying to really keep my calories in check. I am heading to Florida right after 4th of July and I feel the pressure. I have high expectations on my body as a 40 yo and try practice what I preach, "My style is to look great at any age". I posted this profile pic (VS model) to keep me focus. I feel your pain and to date, I have committed 100% to focus on diet alone as exercise is not an option. Enjoy the beach and own your body lady. Come back and let's continue to work!


  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for all the words of encouragement. I will keep these thoughts in mind and try my best to have a wonderful time.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It's funny that you brought this up- I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and had an epiphany of sorts. I've spent way too much energy criticizing myself for what I wasn't rather than accepting myself for who I am and seeking to truly better myself from there- this has applied to weight, fitness and life in general. I was looking back at some photos from past trips where I thought I looked fat or this or that, and was like "Wow! I didn't even look bad!" I had wasted too much joy and thought to my own insecurities. That's not to say I don't have goals or the realization that it takes sacrifice and dedication to reach them, it's just choosing to be positive and kind to myself with where I am while I continue forward to where I want to be.

    People will not be concerned with your cellulite or perceived imperfections- they're looking at their own!! Congrats on the weight loss and have fun at the beach!

    This exactly. I leave for Florida tomorrow too. I wanted to be closer to my goal, but it is what it is. Do I want to focus on how far I have come or the cellulite that is still on my *kitten*. :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Walk tall and proud (even if you may feel a bit insecure). A confident strut will always look better than hiding or slumping. Have a great vacation.