Losing weight after 3rd baby

Just had my 3rd and final (that's our goal anyway!) baby. I'm ready to get down to my pre-1st-baby weight :) I'd love to meet other moms who are trying to lose weight and just get healthy overall. Looking forward to meeting you!


  • twinjamom6
    twinjamom6 Posts: 299 Member
    Hi! I have 6 kids, I'm on a mission to get my body back to the shape or better than I was in after my 3rd kid. I was in my best shape then so I'm going to get back there and I'm about 30 pounds away.
  • lavidal
    lavidal Posts: 1 Member
    Me too, I just had a baby last August. It's been a year and though I lost the 40lbs I gained with her I still need to lose another 40 to get back to "me". I just started MFP, so lets see how this goes. We are going to Vegas in February so I want to lose at least 20lbs by then. Wish me luck ladies and Good luck to both of you!
  • Rebekahl87
    Rebekahl87 Posts: 95 Member
    Nice to meet you all! I've got 40 more pounds to my goal weight...finally got around to taking care of myself and my "baby" will be 4 this year. I had weight to lose before becoming pregnant, so I've already gotten lower than pre-baby weight. Hoping to hit my goal by her birthday (12/27). Good luck all!
  • wendymoira
    wendymoira Posts: 40 Member
    My pre-first-baby weight would be nice, but I'm also excited about trying to get back some of my pre-second-baby upper abdominal muscles. (My second baby is about to turn six and I am about to turn 40, so I figured it was about time. On the plus side, I *am* already down to my pre-second-baby weight after a summer of MFP tracking.)
  • ErinV1974
    ErinV1974 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi mama,
    I have 3 kids as well; the youngest is 2. I've lost 15 pounds so far with MFP and am SO pleased. Would like to lose another 15. Good luck to all! Send a friend request if you'd like!
  • ekatehand
    ekatehand Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'm so encouraged to see this. My daunting 40 lb weight loss is looming over me. I've got one babe who is 9 months old. I'm 20 over my pre-pregnancy weight and 20 beyond that to get to my ideal weight. It's nice to see some other ladies who are in the same boat.
  • CorinWilliams1216
    CorinWilliams1216 Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello~ congrats on the baby :) I just had a little girl (about two months ago) and while I didn't gain much weight I wasn't small to begin with. So now I'm on a mission to lose the baby weight and some pre baby weight!!
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Hi ladies! I just had my 2nd baby July 7, 2015. I also have an 8 year old. I weighed 140 before I got pregnant with my first and I haven't seen that number on the scale since then. I never lost the baby weight and over the years gained more. My biggest number non-pregnant was 198. I was 196 when I got pregnant this time around. I developed gestational diabetes this time as well so I really had to watch what I ate. I did extremely well and gained only 5 pounds during pregnancy. I weighed 201 the day I had my baby. I've tried sticking to my diabetes diet since I've had her although I do have the occasional sweets and Mexican food that I couldn't have with the diabetes. Between that, exclusively breastfeeding, and constantly holding and walking around the house with my baby I've managed to lose 38 pounds so far from the 201 at only 7 weeks post partum. I'm extremely thrilled with these results so far, but I still want to lose the extra 23 to get back to 140. I'm so motivated! Going to start exercises at home tomorrow to tone up. I will also start walking too. We can do this ladies!
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone...just had my third baby girl three moths ago and that completes our family as well...I have an 11 yr old, 3 yr old and 3 month old. All girls!! I was over weight with my last two. At my highest I weighed 262 lbs with my last daughter at full term but now I weigh 239 and would like to get to 160lbs. I have given my self smaller more achievable goals to start with so the 80 lbs don't seem so daunting!! So I would like to be out of the 200's by may 2016 when I go back to work after my maternity leave. And then readjust to the last 40 lbs. after each baby I found it harder and harder to lose weight and my abdomen is a mess!!!! Lots of lose hanging fat and skin so would love to tighten that area up. I have changed my diet drastically and started power walking 60 mins a day at least 5 days or more a week and doing home workouts daily. But I recently purchased beach body's 21 day fix and just received it in the mail. The diet is very strict and the work out is well.....definitely a work out so I am excited to see my results after completing my first round. I am starting it next mondayvas I am going to be away this weekend and won't be able to complete the daily exercise videos and follow the diet to a T so I want to wait so I can see the true results and then hit it hard core. I am gonna continue with my current routine of healthy eating and workouts/walks until then. Wish me luck!!! I am happy to say I will never see 239 on that scale again...
  • jennifer12202010
    jennifer12202010 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone I just had my 3rd baby and final baby I just started working out got my release last week! My goal is 30lbs. I'm 206 right now.. I'm tall 5'8-5'9
  • Natdogg37
    Natdogg37 Posts: 31 Member
    twinjamom6 wrote: »
    Hi! I have 6 kids, I'm on a mission to get my body back to the shape or better than I was in after my 3rd kid. I was in my best shape then so I'm going to get back there and I'm about 30 pounds away.

    Reading all of your messages makes me realize I'm not in this struggle alone. I have a daughter who just turned 2 and a son turning 1.
    Before kids I was 135. After kids I'm 169. I got down to 157 but I gained it all back because of my excuses and laziness. I have no more excuses because both my kids nap at the same time and have been sleeping all night.

    I'm back at it and I'm not stopping till I've reached 140 that is my goal weight.
    Looking to meet other moms! Please add me
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    I lost my baby weight when the third baby turned 11 :blush:
    You ladies can do this. You're smart to not let a decade go by... It wasn't easy, but it did come off. I'm wearing the size I wore in college--25+ years ago :)
  • pmoneto
    pmoneto Posts: 3 Member
    I too just had my 3rd and final (made sure it was final) baby in Nov and trying to lose 45 lbs to get back to pre-baby weight. But, instead of focusing on the weight alone (which would drive me insane!!) I set a goal of runnung my first 1/2 marathon this December. I figure all the training will help work on the weight loss part without stressing over the number.