A Delicate Question



  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I'm not on any meds at all, by the way. I already get plenty of fruits, vegetables, exercise, and water. In fact, I'm surprised I didn't have a problem in AZ since I was getting dehydrated during a couple of hikes, despite consuming beaucoup bottles of water.

    Size and consistency -- eww.... don't know if I want to discuss that beyond when I'm constipated, spouse says I produce "rabbit turds."
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    for some reason when I drink a soda or eat anything real sugary it helps with the going. And if you are eating below 1000 calories expect constipation youre slowing down the transit time of your intestines. Intestines love fat, fiber, fluids, fruit, probiotics and sometimes a boost from caffeine.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Just chiming in to say that Fiber One and Activia and all of those foods "designed" to make a person go, have never worked for me at all. Simple exercise, water, and morning coffee do a lot more for me. I don't really do "cheat meals" or "cheat days" but on Saturdays I almost always walk or hike a LOT (hours) and eat richer meals like Thai food, Mexican and/or ice cream. Sundays I am a poo machine due to this. I don't mind and feel like it kind of helps my body cleanse itself. It's not uncomfortable or at all like diarrhea mind you.

    Also when I first started using this site I had some pretty terrible constipation when I was eating a lot of baby spinach. With cooked chopped spinach I have no issues but I've found I cannot do baby spinach without issues. My husband is totally opposite. You have to find what works for you. Good luck!

    Actually, I was talking about the sucralose, not the fiber, but it's good to hear that coffee works for you, too. :smile:
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Fat. Fiber. Fluids.

    If that doesn't work, physician. (Doesn't start with /f/ but do I still get props for alliteration if the phonemes SOUND the same?)
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,036 Member
    I have had many issues with digestion/poop/gall bladder (even though that wasn't your problem) and have suffered from uncontrollable Dumping Syndrome to severe constipation that made me bleed. I have never really been able to find a healthy balance. I'm close but not all the way there. I have issues with having a hard time to go. I find fruit or orange juice on an empty stomach helps me go and I also take Miralax a couple times a week. When I was pregnant, I HAD to take a stool softener every single day. That was when I was bleeding from the constipation.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,584 Member
    For what it's worth: I used to have problems with constipation, and was even diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome because of the related symptoms. This, despite getting plenty of fiber (I'm vegetarian, eat mostly whole foods, etc.).

    When I became *much* more active (took up rowing, among other things) and began drinking *much* more water, it began to be less a problem. Reducing my stress levels helped more (I retired, but it could be different stressors for other people). It's rarely a problem any more, and if I have some temporary issue, I can usually identify why (busy day with fewer water breaks, typically).

    You say you were on vacation, and very active (perhaps doing somewhat different active things than usual, too?). Given my history, I'm wondering whether stress & exercise could be contributing to your constipation.