Gain 6lbs so far!!! Terrible

I try to break my plate by eat around 2100 and eat back the calories I burn after exercising, but it gain lots of weight, 6lbs for 1 week!! What should I do now?... I am 166lbs now :(


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Are you eating 2100 + the calories you burn exercising?
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    unless you are a 6ft man--I certainly wouldn't go anywhere NEAR 2100 cals a day. I try to eat my big meal for breakfast or lunch and eat NO carbs after my noon meals. I also walk 5 miles a day within an hour to up the burn, so I usually exercise out my cals for the day. I find 1200 cals is my max and rarely go near that total.
  • kenbi
    kenbi Posts: 18
    Yes. MFP says that I need eat 2100 per day to lose 1/2lb per week, and I cardio for 1 hours and burn 500 calo, and 40minutes of weight lifting 5 day a week. So now I plan to eat down around 1800 calories
  • kenbi
    kenbi Posts: 18
    I am over 5ft8