re swimming

iojoi Posts: 378 Member
Hi i am not allowed to do much exercise due to back knee and foot problems but i am swimming pretty hard at least 4x a week
i started with 40 mins a session of constant breaststroke and then i do some exercises in the pool
do think this lifestyle change that will be enough to keep my levels of fitness up and my weight down?


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Swimming is great cardio! I have very bad knees so swim a few times a week myself. As long as you follow a healthy meal plan and continue with this activity you will definately see results.
    Way to Go!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    It doesn't feel like exercise does it? That's the beauty of swimming!!! It's one of the best overall body exercises! Plus you don't sweat!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I love swimming. I was thiking about taking a class a couple times a week at the Y. But I would have to drive almost an hour to get there. I am not sure yet if it is in my budget but I do a lot of recreational swimming.:bigsmile:
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    I like swimming because it is so relaxing! It really is a great workout, but I suggest you get a heart rate monitor (waterproof, of course) to keep track of exactly how much you are burning. I used to just use the estimate from MFP, but when I got my HRM, it showed I was only burning about 2/3 of the calories the calculator on here reported. Keep it up, though, breast stroke is one of the most intense strokes, but to me it's one of the easiest because you breath every stroke. If you are like , the only thing missing in the pool was music. I couldn't stand the constant on/off sound of the PA music whenever I ducked my head underwater. So I bought an H20man waterproof MP3 player that has totally changed my swimming workouts. It was only $30 on Amazon, and it uses regular batteries. Can't stress how much I love it.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    thanks for the tips and replys