Is skinny fat so bad?



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited August 2015
    As some one who is fat, fat. I'd love to be skinny fat. When I get to skinny fat I might feel differently. I think it depends on your starting place.


    I'm not skinny fat/normal weight obese because you kinda gotta be a "normal" weight to qualify. I'm will be for sure, no doubt. I fairly lazy and haven't found any concrete reason to be more demanding on my body for exercise (isn't learning to jog good enough?) and diet when I'm doing "fine" on the medical testing front. My mindset might be different if I had access to the stuff (aka money) I need to do more "intensive" exercise.

    OP, I don't think your bad for being or having a desire to be skinny fat/normal weight obese.

    ETA: If you feel you're "old" at 42, it's cool. I feel "old" at 44.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited August 2015
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.
    Yes, when i first signed up to MFP and heard this term skinny fat, i presumed it was someone who was slim, but wasn't very muscular. That was going by what people on the forum were saying.
    I was even thinking "I must be skinny fat then"! (I wasn't btw ;) )
    I had no idea it was a slim person with a very high body fat percentage!
    So OP, what you think is skinny fat, may not actually be skinny fat.
    No one's saying you HAVE to go to the Gym. But for health reasons, as we all know - it's best to do some kind of exercise or keep staying very active.
    Personally, i lift weights to be strong and build some Muscle.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Isn't body fat of 25% for men and 32% for women considered obese? I forget where I saw ranges for the in-between of essential and obese.

    I posted a couple of links with it above.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    ffwang82 wrote: »
    keep cutting until 10-12% body fat, then bulk the muscle back. You will look much better.

    OP is a woman.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2015
    zyxst wrote: »
    As some one who is fat, fat. I'd love to be skinny fat. When I get to skinny fat I might feel differently. I think it depI'm will be for sure, no doubt. I fairly lazy and haven't found any concrete reason to be more demanding on my body for exercise (isn't learning to jog good enough?) and diet when I'm doing "fine" on the medical testing front.

    I wouldn't be too sure. You build some muscle just by being fat (hey, good for something, right?!) and if you lose sensibly and maintain as much as possible you shouldn't end up with a disproportionately high body fat percentage (or disproportionately low muscle).

    I've always had a hard time building muscle and been on the smaller framed side, but with a muscle mass of about 96 lb, I'd be only 20% at about 120 -- which is not particularly small for my height, about BMI 21. Since I've only been losing muscle mass as I've been losing weight, I think this speaks to many of us likely having a decent amount of muscle mass under everything.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    As some one who is fat, fat. I'd love to be skinny fat. When I get to skinny fat I might feel differently. I think it depI'm will be for sure, no doubt. I fairly lazy and haven't found any concrete reason to be more demanding on my body for exercise (isn't learning to jog good enough?) and diet when I'm doing "fine" on the medical testing front.

    I wouldn't be too sure. You build some muscle just by being fat (hey, good for something, right?!) and if you lose sensibly and maintain as much as possible you shouldn't end up with a disproportionately high body fat percentage (or disproportionately low muscle).

    I've always had a hard time building muscle and been on the smaller framed side, but with a muscle mass of about 96 lb, I'd be only 20% at about 120 -- which is not particularly small for my height, about BMI 21. Since I've only been losing muscle mass as I've been losing weight, I think this speaks to many of us likely having a decent amount of muscle mass under everything.

    At 120 lbs and 20% BF you would not have muscle mass of 96 lbs. You'd have LBM of 96, but quite a bit of LBM is not muscle.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    As some one who is fat, fat. I'd love to be skinny fat. When I get to skinny fat I might feel differently. I think it depI'm will be for sure, no doubt. I fairly lazy and haven't found any concrete reason to be more demanding on my body for exercise (isn't learning to jog good enough?) and diet when I'm doing "fine" on the medical testing front.

    I wouldn't be too sure. You build some muscle just by being fat (hey, good for something, right?!) and if you lose sensibly and maintain as much as possible you shouldn't end up with a disproportionately high body fat percentage (or disproportionately low muscle).

    I've always had a hard time building muscle and been on the smaller framed side, but with a muscle mass of about 96 lb, I'd be only 20% at about 120 -- which is not particularly small for my height, about BMI 21. Since I've only been losing muscle mass as I've been losing weight, I think this speaks to many of us likely having a decent amount of muscle mass under everything.

    At 120 lbs and 20% BF you would not have muscle mass of 96 lbs. You'd have LBM of 96, but quite a bit of LBM is not muscle.

    Yes, that's what I meant. (Rather obviously, but I did state it incorrectly, so thank you for pointing it out so I could clarify.)

    Point is unaffected, though, since when we talk about normal weight obesity we are talking about BF% vs. LBM, not muscle mass itself.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    As some one who is fat, fat. I'd love to be skinny fat. When I get to skinny fat I might feel differently. I think it depI'm will be for sure, no doubt. I fairly lazy and haven't found any concrete reason to be more demanding on my body for exercise (isn't learning to jog good enough?) and diet when I'm doing "fine" on the medical testing front.

    I wouldn't be too sure. You build some muscle just by being fat (hey, good for something, right?!) and if you lose sensibly and maintain as much as possible you shouldn't end up with a disproportionately high body fat percentage (or disproportionately low muscle).

    I've always had a hard time building muscle and been on the smaller framed side, but with a muscle mass of about 96 lb, I'd be only 20% at about 120 -- which is not particularly small for my height, about BMI 21. Since I've only been losing muscle mass as I've been losing weight, I think this speaks to many of us likely having a decent amount of muscle mass under everything.

    But you would likely only retain all of those 96 lbs w resistance training of some kind. I'm not sure, but I read (here I think, should check) that something like 30% of most weight lost consists of muscle lean mass (when measures aren't taken to keep it). So ppl are likely to retain proportions absolute lean mass as they lose unless they do something about it.

    Also (am sure someone will correct me) - for those who've gained & lost many times - again if they haven't set out to conserve muscle - the regain is likely to consist of a greater % of fat than muscle, bringing the total fat % higher at weight X the second time they reach it (after regain & loss). i'm sure there's a clearer way of putting that - rushing
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    As some one who is fat, fat. I'd love to be skinny fat. When I get to skinny fat I might feel differently. I think it depI'm will be for sure, no doubt. I fairly lazy and haven't found any concrete reason to be more demanding on my body for exercise (isn't learning to jog good enough?) and diet when I'm doing "fine" on the medical testing front.

    I wouldn't be too sure. You build some muscle just by being fat (hey, good for something, right?!) and if you lose sensibly and maintain as much as possible you shouldn't end up with a disproportionately high body fat percentage (or disproportionately low muscle).

    I've always had a hard time building muscle and been on the smaller framed side, but with a muscle mass of about 96 lb, I'd be only 20% at about 120 -- which is not particularly small for my height, about BMI 21. Since I've only been losing muscle mass as I've been losing weight, I think this speaks to many of us likely having a decent amount of muscle mass under everything.

    I haven't had BF% tested since Feb this year and that was 50.9% at 165# (DEXA scan). Pretty sure I haven't lost more than 1-2% of fat since then, so guessing I'm 48% BF at 152.4# Fat2Fit military BF% calculator says 41%. That's still a lot of fat for 90# of LBM.

    PS idk how I fudged up the original quote.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2015
    tomatoey wrote: »
    But you would likely only retain all of those 96 lbs w resistance training of some kind.

    Even with resistance training you lose some. My point was that I was left with 96 lb of LBM despite not being particularly muscle-y ever before and having a relatively slight build -- I didn't put on muscle mass while at a deficit, but likely from being fat and having to lug around all that extra weight. I'm sure I had much more when I was at my heaviest, but I didn't do a DEXA back then.

    I've only gained and lost twice, but this second time I fit into the same clothes at a higher weight. Speaks to the benefits of retaining LBM to the extent you can, to keep the benefit of the muscle you may have unintentionally built.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

    She said "Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor." which is what I responded to.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

    She said "Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor." which is what I responded to.

    Yes, I read what you wrote. That sentence that Kalikel wrote is not accusing anyone in this thread of calling another person "skinny fat." She was making a generalized statement, which I think you misunderstood, since you asked "Who is calling anyone skinny fat here?" ...No one was doing so.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    justrollme wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

    She said "Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor." which is what I responded to.

    Yes, I read what you wrote. That sentence that Kalikel wrote is not accusing anyone in this thread of calling another person "skinny fat." She was making a generalized statement, which I think you misunderstood, since you asked "Who is calling anyone skinny fat here?" ...No one was doing so.

    I understand that. She talking about diagnosing people as skinny fat online. I agree, it would be pretty hard to do that online. But no one was trying to do that, which was my point.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    justrollme wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

    She said "Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor." which is what I responded to.

    Yes, I read what you wrote. That sentence that Kalikel wrote is not accusing anyone in this thread of calling another person "skinny fat." She was making a generalized statement, which I think you misunderstood, since you asked "Who is calling anyone skinny fat here?" ...No one was doing so.

    I understand that. She talking about diagnosing people as skinny fat online. I agree, it would be pretty hard to do that online. But no one was trying to do that, which was my point.

    Yes, I understand your point. However, I think you misunderstood that Kalikel was referencing an article that someone else linked, which is probably why you took it out of context. It's somewhere in that huge quote tree, lol.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm 45 and I have a minimal workout routine. I look at it this way. I know I'm not going to keep up with some strenuous daily workout routine. So I walk on my treadmill while I watch TV. I have some dumbells that I lift 3 days a week for about 15 min each. That's about it. My weight loss has no relation to my workout routine. If I stopped working out it would make no difference. I would still lose weight. Yes...I might end up being skinny fat but to be honest I really don't care. I just want to weigh less and fit into regular size smaller clothes. I'm not trying to win the best body competition. I'm seriously looking at this as a lifestyle change. What I'm doing now is how I plan on continuing for the rest of my life. I'm eating less. I'm walking more that I did before. I'm lifting some weights to help a little bit with muscle tone. But nothing overly aggressive. There's no point in doing something just to lose weight if you're not going to continue it forever. I'm done with being fat....I'm not gonna gain the weight back. I'm just gonna be a skinnier me and I gaurantee you that its going to be a lot healthier than the 250 pound me. Making better choices overall is what we should all be striving for.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

    She was saying it meant nothing real and is just an insult and that's not the case.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    skinny fit is better than skinny fat.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    justrollme wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    How are you defining "skinny fat"? Like so many other terms, that seems to have several different meanings on MFP. The most common is a BMI in the healthy range but a BF% outside the healthy range. You say your BMI is high so that would not describe you.

    It is possible to be overweight and healthy and this may better describe you. Being overweight is a risk factor for some diseases, but it's not a guarantee of disease. If you get enough exercise and eat right you can be overweight and healthy. A gym or structured exercise plan is not required for getting exercise. All activity is exercise.
    It's defined differently by everyone. Anorexics who have any fat will deem themselves "skinny fat" and attempt to eliminate the excess.

    I said once that I quit lifting weight because it bored the crap out me and someone said, "So, you want to be skinny fat?" Several people agreed. To them, anyone who doesn't lift weights is skinny fat.

    Since it's not a medical term with any real definition, everyone gets to make up their own meaning.

    There just is no way to use the term nicely, whether you say it about yourself or others.

    No, skinny fat has a definition, people just choose to use it their own way. It is Normal Weight Obesity.

    To answer the OP - I would consider true "skinnyfat" bad. But the question is if that is what you will really end up as.

    How do you define "Normal Weight Obesity"?

    And who coined that term? Is it even possibly to be obese by BF and normal by BMI? Overweight, sure, but obese?

    The article posted by MakePeas above discussed the term and what it means.
    I missed that, thanks.

    It doesn't give any details, though. It would seem that one would need to review tests and look at a person in order to determine whether they had weight-related health risks. It would not seem that there are numbers to define it.

    Calling someone "skinny fat" would be difficult to do online, even for a doctor.

    Who is calling anyone skinny fat here? OP was the one who believed she would be skinny fat, many questioned if she actually would be. And it was determined that the OP was applying a different meaning to the term.

    I think you've misunderstood her post. She isn't saying that anyone called someone else "skinnyfat" in this thread, she is questioning the definition of the term to clarify the OP's context. There was no finger-pointing there at all.

    She was saying it meant nothing real and is just an insult and that's not the case.

    That was not my point, but that's okay. Thank you for sharing your opinion. I don't recall seeing the word "insult" show up at all, but in 4 pages, I've probably missed it.

    My opinion is that the term means several different things, none of which I associate with anything healthy. I really do not believe that if I used the term "skinny fat" to describe myself or someone else, that it could be in a good way. To me, it is referencing an underlying health issue that a weight number may not reflect.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    KezJT wrote: »
    oops, I seem to have upset some people by saying I was too old :/ I just meant that looking good is not my motivation, and does not motivate me.... I've been married for 22 years and he honestly can't tell the difference between me at size 12 and me at size 20! (sometimes that is sweet and sometimes annoying). I work with a bunch of 18-23 year olds. I couldn't "compete" even if I wanted to! and I don't want to. I LIKE being in my 40's. It is by far the best decade I've had:)

    On the exercise front, It's not that I don't like anything, more that I get bored and quit, reach my goal and quit or finish the programme and quit. I struggle to attend regular classes/sessions in anything due to family circumstances so my programmes have to be flexible - I tried running, insanity, and lifting at home and all worked well for a time, but were not really a sustainable way of life for me. The walking and cycling is, and keeps me healthy.

    this whole thing makes no sense to me. I'm the same age as you are and have been married for 25 years... you're married and 40s, not dead. Who cares about the women you work with? Your motivation for health and your body seems a bit twisted.
    As someone who struggles with the ability to move sometimes, I also have found my 40s to be my best decade, despite my limitations. It's frustrating to hear someone else trying to toss a healthy body away by saying there's no motivation. YOU should be your own motivation.


    You might not even be halfway through your life. It's silly to give up at 42.

    You can't compete with a 23-year-old...why?