Before and after pictures of 5'4" women

5569656 Posts: 1 Member
im just curious how people have lost weight and before and after.


  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    Here is a link to a really good thread with lots of before/after pictures of 5'4'' women:
  • annna777
    annna777 Posts: 8 Member
    My starting weight was 184 back in March 2013, lost 40 pounds by June 2014, and have maintained 40 pound weight loss through now, currently weigh 140. I am 5'4 and would like to get down to 130-135, the last few pounds have been tougher to lose and keep off. I eat clean (which is home cooking, eliminating as much processed/packaged foods/eating out, measuring my food in which I pretty much eat what I want, I am not on a restricted veggies/salads food plan). In addition, I was working out regularly, 5-6 days a week, one hour of cardio (spinning, elliptical, or treadmill) and added weight training 2-3 times a week a year ago to tone up.

    How I have maintained for a year is working out 4-5 times a week, continuing to eat clean, and measuring my food. I still eat junk food here an there which makes me think if I dropped it then I could probably lose the last 5-10 pounds (junk foods is Starbucks coffee, chips, cookies, and a burger out once a week). For me it takes commitment in setting out my gym clothes the night before and making my meals in advance such as lunches packed and dinners made/measured out (I meal prep on the weekends). I don't think I would have been able to maintain if I did not continue exercising regularly and prepped meals. When I was logging in my food intake before getting committed, I would lose a pound or two and gain it the next week, it was not staying off. Once I signed up for a gym membership in June 2013 the weight melted off, I was surprised I exceed my goal of 150 since I had always been a chubby kid and adult. I remember weighing 150 in 8th grade and high school, in which I did not know what it was like to wear a size 10 and under. I was always in a lucky 12, regular 14 and 16. Now I am in a 4 and 6 depending on style/cut/brand. In March 2015, I finally allowed myself to take all my big clothes to Goodwill.

    You can do it, it takes commitment, making time, and preparation. I wish you well.
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