Advice on Sweetener



  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    coco_bee wrote: »
    I would suggest Stevia or honey. Please stay away from aspartame which comes in the form of Equal and Nutrasweet.

    Now why would that be?
    a chemical found in thousands of products is causing an epidemic of severe neurological and systemic diseases, like multiple sclerosis and lupus. The FDA, the companies that make the product, and the “medical industrial complex” all know about the dangers of this chemical but are hiding the truth from the public in order to protect corporate profits and avoid the pesky paper work that would accompany the truth being revealed. The only glimmer of hope is a dedicated band of bloggers and anonymous e-mail chain letter authors who aren’t afraid to speak the truth. Armed with the latest anecdotal evidence, unverified speculation, and scientifically implausible claims, they have been tirelessly ranting about the evils of this chemical for years.

    My favorite is the completely untrue and disproven with 5 seconds of google claim that it was discovered while trying to creat rat poison.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    If you don't want calories and you don't mind the taste, use sweeteners.

    This ^^ Honey or agave isn't likely to have less calories than regular sugar so use whatever you like. If you don't want the calories there is nothing unhealthy about using artificial sweeteners.
  • jos_nic
    jos_nic Posts: 6 Member
    I've been trying to find an alternative to sugar in tea, cos being British I just love a cuppa and I think it tastes foul without sugar. I've tried Stevia and Truvia and didn't like either...Truvia has a weird aftertaste and Stevia gave me really bad headaches. I've tried sucralose too but that just made me a bit windy (sorry). So now I'm a bit stuck.
    I did buy some vanilla chai tea bags which were nice and didn't need as much sugar.