Nervous..small school gym

This semester, I will be going to the gym at my school since it is free and I'll already be on campus, so why not? I never went last year so I do not know much about when the gym is busy. The thing is, the gym is incredibly small and of course, athletics uses it as well so I have to try to dodge when they all practice, whenever that is. There are lockers at the school but there aren't many, I do not live on campus so I don't know where to put my stuff. My car is being worked on so I can't store anything in my car. Not only am I "out of practice" and the gym is small, but there will be other students there, people my age, which makes things even more intimidating to me.
I have a feeling the day I pluck up the courage to actually go, I'll turn right back around and walk out. Any advice?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Surely your car will not be in the shop all semester. For now, take a change of clothes in your backpack and just carry it with you. Once your car is fixed, use it to store your bag.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's just the gym. Go in and do your thing and don't worry about other people. They aren't worried about you.
  • MrKbailey
    MrKbailey Posts: 61 Member
    You will be OK.
  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from! It can be really intimidating but the truth is that no one else really cares about what you're doing there. Everyone is doing their own thing and focusing on their own workout.

    Just keep reminding yourself that you're entitled to as much space/time on the machine as anyone else! Everyone had to start somewhere.

    You can do this and you'll be fine!
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Everyone has been a gym noob at some point but in the gym are usually focussed on their own workout - not yours - and even if you do look like an obvious noob, I think ppl respect you for taking the first step and looking after your fitness. Don't worry about what other people might think, you're there for you. Can you access gym equipment where you live now to 'learn the ropes'. It might help your confidence. You might find lockers in the gym as others will be in the same boat as you?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    ask the staff when they're quietest. or just the friendliest face you see in there.
    everyone will just assume you prefer not waiting for equipment and getting distracted.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    Get very lightweight but supportive runners, & carry them in the lightest bag you can find (those cheap nylon drawstring ones are perfect), along with a T shirt, black cotton leggings (they're lighter than most other workout pants & won't show sweat), socks, & a bra, all rolled up military style. You can put the shoes in a big ziploc or plastic bag to keep them separate from the clean clothes. Maybe also a small facecloth to use to wipe down afterwards, but if it adds too much to the load, you could use the dry bits of your T shirt &/or paper towels for that.

    Or, choose runners that might actually work with more casual outfits, and just wear them to class. (I've been told here that young people often wear Nike Frees with street clothes.)

    If you wear a lot of makeup, and don't really want to not wear makeup in the gym or for your commute back, remove what you walked in with + sweat immediately after working out. (Keep facewash in a travel-sized bottle in your makeup bag.) Buy a heavier coverage powder and just dust that on with maybe some mascara & lipstick for the commute home. Wear a bandana during your workout to catch sweat from your hair and blow your scalp dry with a hairdryer, or use a dry shampoo (also put that in something travel sized).

    Also, get a very light backpack or tote bag for class stuff, and take only what you really need. Leave your laptop at home unless you really have to have it - use a clipboard and notepad for notes instead, & put those in a binder when you get home. Do your readings at home, or put them on a USB and read them on a computer in the library. (Or print just the specific articles you need for that day and keep them in the clipboard.) This will also help you stay organized for your classes :smile: , it's way better than just lugging anything you might possibly need with you everywhere.

    Get electronic versions of textbooks instead of the hard copy versions (unless you're taking anatomy or something like that where you need good, printed, colour visuals and want to keep it for future reference. Or literature, where you'd need the primary text).

    For the actual working out part, don't look at anyone if it freaks you out, and try to concentrate on what you're doing. You'll get used to it in no time.