Yeast Free



  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    See a doctor. It could also be thrush which would need an anti-fungal. Also you might want to read up on candida.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hey OP. Sounds like babies get. I have two aunts on my mother's side that get it all the time to. Their doctors both said that they should limit sugars, carbs and I read someone that taking a probiotic like acidophilus can help. I hear that can also be caused by having a ph imbalance in the body. Just to clarify though I'm not a medical professional and this is all hearsay.
  • moniquecharisse
    moniquecharisse Posts: 11 Member
    One of my friend brought up the pH balance issue too! I have to ask my doctors about thrush. As far as I know I haven't been tested for that.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Sorry if I don't get all the questions answered.

    I've been tested for lime disease. For the past almost 12 years I've gotten strep once a year and I have had some 7lbs of tumors removed from my body over the past 3 years; so I've been on tons of antibiotics and other drugs.

    My doctors (3 I seen at least 3 times a year each) just want to add more mess and since I've gotten at least 2 sore throat a month for the past 3 months for 4 days each time the new ENT doctor suggested to gargle with peroxide for 30 days to rid myself of the tonsil bacteria and if that doesn't work to have my tonsils removed. I would like to try anything else for them not to be removed so the no dairy and yeast is something I will try. And I trust the nutrients that recommend it. Her and my mother have been friends for years and my mother doesn't take man made medicine and she is pretty healthy.

    I'm sick and almost broke taking prescription medications so if trying a new way of eating could help I will try it.

    Oh, I do have a doctor recommended nutrients but she gave me the same suggestions as the other "read the food labels and google" for meal ideas. So I like hearing from people like you all because your actual trying these things and balancing weight loss like me.

    Thanks for all the great suggestions and advice.

    While I understand where you are coming from, I can tell you getting my tonsils and adenoids removed was one of the best things I ever did. I didn't get sick once the following 4 years after the surgery. And I used to get strep every year and other infections once a month or every other month.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    You really seriously need to research candida yeast overloads. Your symptoms sound like your body is full of candida yeast.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sorry if I don't get all the questions answered.

    I've been tested for lime disease. For the past almost 12 years I've gotten strep once a year and I have had some 7lbs of tumors removed from my body over the past 3 years; so I've been on tons of antibiotics and other drugs.

    My doctors (3 I seen at least 3 times a year each) just want to add more mess and since I've gotten at least 2 sore throat a month for the past 3 months for 4 days each time the new ENT doctor suggested to gargle with peroxide for 30 days to rid myself of the tonsil bacteria and if that doesn't work to have my tonsils removed. I would like to try anything else for them not to be removed so the no dairy and yeast is something I will try. And I trust the nutrients that recommend it. Her and my mother have been friends for years and my mother doesn't take man made medicine and she is pretty healthy.

    I'm sick and almost broke taking prescription medications so if trying a new way of eating could help I will try it.

    Oh, I do have a doctor recommended nutrients but she gave me the same suggestions as the other "read the food labels and google" for meal ideas. So I like hearing from people like you all because your actual trying these things and balancing weight loss like me.

    Thanks for all the great suggestions and advice.

    The bolded statements above are alarming. Recurrent bacterial and fungal infections in the tonsils usually mean they need to be taken out. The fact that you've been on antiobiotics so often is probably part of why you now have a fungal issue.
    Just because your mother doesn't take 'man made' medicine and is healthy doesn't mean anything - it just means she hasn't contracted anything serious that needed a strong prescription. Most 'man made' medications are based from natural means anyway, so mild holistic medications will work for mild conditions. But avoiding all man made medications for the sake of doing it isn't a good idea.
    It is also concerning that you are seeing nutritionists who are telling you to eat a certain way but don't give you specific instructions or food lists. Telling a patient just 'google' ideas is lazy medicine and a bad sign.
    You need to see a good medical professional.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited August 2015
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Idk...not sure what the difference is between an organic nutritionist vs a holistic nutritionist vs just a plain old nutritionist.

    Price. LMAO.

    "Organic Nutritionist" just sounds so Advanced and Credible. <nods>
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Who is recommending that?

    An organic nutritionist. Do you have any meal suggestions?

    I would suggest ignoring their advice.

    If you have an overgrowth of bacteria on your tonsils, you need antibiotics.

    That might be the best advice except we don't know why she ended up seeing an organic nutritionist. Maybe her doctor advised it over giving an antibiotic.

    Idk...not sure what the difference is between an organic nutritionist vs a holistic nutritionist vs just a plain old nutritionist.

    Nutritionists aren't doctors anyways. She could have ended up seeing one because she needs to part with an excess of dollars.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Try Kefir, or the surgery. I could understand if you are sick of surgery right now.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm having an over growth of bacteria on my tonsils so too much dairy and yeast is possibly making it worst.

    What is quick bread?

    It's generally batter bread......the leavening is baking soda or baking powder & eggs.

    Re: (and other alcoholic beverages) use brewers yeast.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm having an over growth of bacteria on my tonsils so too much dairy and yeast is possibly making it worst.

    What is quick bread?

    Did you recently finish a round of antibiotics? Might want to look at some probiotics and some live yogurt to help with the over growth.