Never ate and OBESE?



  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    One thing I noticed missing is a food scale. Weigh and measure every morsel, you may be surprised and are eating well more than you think. I KNOW I was, and I was appalled.

    Also, figure your BMR & TDEE-20%. That is a better range.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Is 2800 how much you burn in a day or how much your eating? I don't think you will go into starvation mode with that many calories. I was eating 1200 a day and burning 2400 a day. I did that for 2 1/2 months until my body couldn't take it and I stopped losing. I've been at 1600 for about a week and i have already lost 2 lbs. Raising my calories jump started my weight loss again.

    I don't eat those , my initial post I was trying to say I can't even get to 1500 ....I'm on the fourth day of the insanity challenge , it came with a formula to follow to estimate how man calories I needed that's where that number came from, but I can't do that nor do I thinking need that ...I need to invest in a HRM so I truely know what I burn in a day all these estimations are unlikely in my point of view ...thanks for the tip I will remmember that one when I hit a wall with the loss :)
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    One thing I noticed missing is a food scale. Weigh and measure every morsel, you may be surprised and are eating well more than you think. I KNOW I was, and I was appalled.

    Also, figure your BMR & TDEE-20%. That is a better range.

    Just got one LOVE IT !! That's just it , I know I'm eating pretty darn good ....but 1500 calories of good for you food is ALOT to me ...anyone could eat 1500 easy with a big Mac and fries, I just don't have the room for it ,literally could you explain your formula for me?? What's bmr Tdee and how to I know what the numbers are ?
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    Also I say keep your movement on sedentary. :)
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the response I did end up scrambling two eggs this morning instead of the usuall one whole egg two egg whites, I've got to get these calories from somewhere

    2 egg whites is far too little! You should be eating 5-6 egg whites to get the proper amount of protein and nutrition. I agree with everyone else on the too little fat, you need some healthy fats in their like Eggs, Avocado, Olive Oil. You deprived your body for so long you have to get it used to the nutrition and hopefully your metabolism will start to kick back to normal.
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    Oh, and I think 3,100 calories is entirely too much! MFP gave me 2,500 to start and I immediately cut that down to 2,000 and now am down to 1,750. I understand they are trying to start you off slow but that's a lot of calories. That being said, you should be eating at least 1,200 calories a day, if you start that low you have nowhere to go when you hit a plateau.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    From middle school on I skipped breakfast and lunch and was never over weight!!! I few years years back I gained an extra 15 pounds one summer from running to my 3 kids baseball/softball games all the time so it was easier to get fast food!!! I don't like eating either, but I do eat lunch these days. I know I should eat breakfast, but when I do my stomach is no longer flat!!
  • MarianneC93
    MarianneC93 Posts: 60 Member
    Don't stress out yet :) You've lost weight which is great. I'm 5ft 10 and for the first month and a half I stepped up the exercise, but struggled to eat over 1,200 cals! Absolutely insane right? But I was full and didn't want to eat junk just to 'bump up the numbers.'. But one morning I woke up feeling SO hungry and SO tired I was like, I HAVE to eat more, even if it's a couple of glasses of juice in the day to bump up those calories. And while my weight loss has slowed down, I'm only a few lbs from losing my first 20lbs, but I have lost 3 inches on my waist, and I have abs. I found my core!

    Do not worry if you are not eating all of your calories. Concentrate on eating healthily, taking good care of yourself, drinking lots of water, and I think it will come with a little more time of you adjusting :) Best of luck in your journey
  • craftykat12
    craftykat12 Posts: 50 Member
    My DR.told me you must eat 1200 Cal's a day, if you don't you will not lose weight, I tried it and I have loss over 70 Lbs.
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    I weigh about the same as you right now and I've LOST almost 60 pounds by eating only 500 cals less than I burn every day. Burning 2800 cals in any given day is actually really easy for me and that's just with some serious grocery shopping (and I am NOT a weight lifting man), not even with any hardcore exercise (I don't lift weights at all). I refuse to put myself in a position where I feel hungry or where I get to goal and am eating little to nothing because I kept cutting beyond my actual needs. If you are doing Insanity, then I think you probably should keep your intake up. My Fitbit has been vital to my being able to lose and actually knowing what I burn every day which allows me to adjust my intake on any given day. It also helps me to take a "diet break" and eat at my actual current maintenance and actually maintain. Don't be afraid of those fats. They will get your intake cals up without adding a lot of volume to your meals and will help keep your body functioning properly. Also remember....this is a marathon, not a sprint. Better to lose slowly, really learn your body and figure out what you are doing in a healthy and safe manner, and be able to maintain your weight loss easily, rather than losing it all quickly and learning nothing in the process which will just end up causing you to gain everything back in the end. Chin up and keep going!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I think you've fallen into the mindset of "healthy" food only and if you want to live on egg whites, veggies and not much else it is hard to get calories in. Food is food, calories are calories. You don't have to eat low fat, no fat, no sugar, "healthy" foods to be healthy or lose weight. Eat whole eggs, nuts, full fat dairy, meats, enjoy a fast food treat occasionally, have some ice cream, avocado, peanut butter.

    I'm 115 lbs, I eat over 1500 calories a day and for the last few months due to family obligations (read all hell broke loose) I haven't really exercised at all. I often grab fast food, drink iced capps and eat junk but as long as I stay in calorie budget my weight stays the same.

    You don't want to spend your life eating dry lettuce leaves and scrambled egg whites!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I calculated your BMR at 1856, so, add in your 600 let's say for your exercise (don't count twice!) and you're at 2456 per day. That seems reasonable. If you're having trouble eating your calories, try adding healthy fats, nuts, etc. Don't eat too little, there's nothing worse than running out of energy, hitting a wall, while you're trying to work out, it really sucks! Good luck!
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks guys ...I will try harder to not be soooo extreme and start introducing more healthy fats ...I love all healthy food , never cared for fast food so seeing halls posts made me realize I was too far off from the beginning I just wasn't eating throughout my day :) hope my next post will be a success story for y'all to read !! Y'all are great !!