Screwing myself over.

I know if posted a few times before. So bare with me. Im 4'11 and my start weight was 185. In a week I lost 10lbs. My goal weight is 135. Im at 175 now...I did so good the first week...I have mini goals and wanted to hit 175 before the end of August and I did. After I hit that goal I totally sabatoged myself. For a full week I know ive eaten at maintenece and some days over maintenence. Im having some troubles now with over eating. My mini goal now is to get to 169 before the end of September. Need some good tips on how to eat less and not give into food cravings. Help


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Maybe you set your weight loss too aggressive. Are you eating enough protein and fats?
  • Superdave24
    Superdave24 Posts: 158 Member
    First of all your doing great because your on MFP and your trying to do yourself good. Everyone falls off the wagon (so to speak) a time or two so don't worry, you can recover.
    Secondly, are you working out? If so what is your routine like? How often, how long and at what times of the day?
    Are you taking any supplements such as appetite suppressors? Are you eating the most important meal of the day.....Breakfast???
    My background is fitness and nutrition and I can share with you what I have done to help myself and others. Add me as a friend and we can communicate further in helping you get to your goals.


  • saucykia
    saucykia Posts: 2 Member
    #1 Be positive, you lost 10 pounds! That's 5% of your body weight! :)

    #2 It's not a bad idea to take a little break every now and then. When you're constantly dieting, it does slow down your metabolism because your body thinks you're starving. So, this week has actually been good for you because it lets your body recalibrate and relax a little, and keeps your metabolism burning high.

    For losing weight...

    Probably the most common reason people are hungry all the time is because they eat a very low-fat diet. Lots of current obesity research has shown that people who eat low-fat diets do tend to be heavier. Normal diets should be 35-40% fat. You should also make sure to get a lot of protein, 20-30% of the diet should be protein. It fills you up and helps you retain muscle, which otherwise gets burned. More muscle = faster calorie burn.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    If you like eating, in my opinion, you can't make this long-term change by trying to stop. I would recommend trying to make bigger portions of food with vegetables, or have lots of healthy and low-cal snacks available so that you are always full. This should make you less-likely to over eat.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited August 2015
    Kristin! It's good to see you post again :)

    There is NOTHING wrong with eating at maintenance. Eating at a deficit is tough, and we have to sometimes give up quantities of some of our favorite foods or some of the treats we enjoy and that gets depressing day after day. If you find you have to start taking thyroid meds, you might find some more energy to eat at a deficit every day of every month and stay more active. Don't be so hard on yourself, honey.

    What I recommend is continuing to track, even if you don't want to eat at a deficit. You want to make sure to not GAIN!

    Now, honestly, real talk: I find it hard to eat at a significant deficit if I eat pizza and other high carb items all day. There's nothing wrong with pizza, but like I learned on Sesame Street, it's a "sometimes" food for me. I can stick to a bigger deficit for longer when I eat foods that satisfy me for longer. Pizza doesn't cut it for me, personally! Gosh, I had two slices Saturday and wanted more even though it was already like 600 calories!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You want me to bare with you? Seriously?
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited August 2015
    I agree with queenliz, and everybody, really--lots of good advice here about food volume and macros. Sometimes big behavior changes take hold best when approached in small steps. Maybe 10lb in a week or two is a bit aggressive. If overeating is the thing that derails you, maybe tackle that with a mini goal. E.g. "No matter what else happens in a day, I will not eat after 8pm," or something along those lines. Once you have success with that, add another mini goal, e.g. "I will eat only pre-logged snacks." Instead of orienting your goals around the scale, mold them around the sabotaging behaviors. It will take a little self-reflection to determine the most effective behavior mini goals for you. Attempting a massive behavior & habit overhaul all at once can be a formula for failure for anybody.

    You have had great results for 2 weeks. Changing habits that last a lifetime takes much, much longer and will involve experimentation here and there. So buckle your seatbelt and settle in for the long haul. You are off to a great start.

    ETA: I do not agree with superdave about breakfast, though. Lots of folks have lots of success eating their first meal around noon. The big picture is CICO. Meal timing is comparatively very minor and up to personal preference.
  • cwilso37
    cwilso37 Posts: 79 Member
    I know if posted a few times before. So bare with me. Im 4'11 and my start weight was 185. In a week I lost 10lbs. My goal weight is 135. Im at 175 now...I did so good the first week...I have mini goals and wanted to hit 175 before the end of August and I did. After I hit that goal I totally sabatoged myself. For a full week I know ive eaten at maintenece and some days over maintenence. Im having some troubles now with over eating. My mini goal now is to get to 169 before the end of September. Need some good tips on how to eat less and not give into food cravings. Help

    As we (the community) said in other posts, a lot of the early weight is water. So a reward for this was not really warranted. That being said, eating maintenance is far better than you used to do.

    If I remember correctly, you always had an issue over eating (/ large amounts of high calorie food), so saying that you are now having an issue is a little misleading. If you are having an issue with eating less, is the maximum amount of weight loss per week a good idea?

    Are you sure you are really ready to lose weight? There isn't anything wrong with not being ready yet.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Trust me I am 100 percent ready to lose weight...No if ands or buts about it...My Fiancee who is and has always been for 9 years 135lbs. He can eat a house...He was home for almost 2 weeks. Usually when hes not home i make eggs for me for breakfast a chicken salad for lunch and whatever my family wants for dinner. But since hes been home ive been cooking everyone a big breakfast lunch dinner and dessert. It was kinda hard to turn down caramel brownies. I already made a vow to myself not to cheat till I hit that 169 goal for September. I did great today 1000 calories consumed for the day...It was my rest day so I didnt exercise. I exercise 5 days a week. All cardio based. Leg day core day lift day leg day core day lift day...etc etc but 2 days of rest a week.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    If overeating is the thing that derails you, maybe tackle that with a mini goal. E.g. "No matter what else happens in a day, I will not eat after 8pm," or something along those lines. Once you have success with that, add another mini goal, e.g. "I will eat only pre-logged snacks." Instead of orienting your goals around the scale, mold them around the sabotaging behaviors. It will take a little self-reflection to determine the most effective behavior mini goals for you. Attempting a massive behavior & habit overhaul all at once can be a formula for failure for anybody.

    You have had great results for 2 weeks. Changing habits that last a lifetime takes much, much longer and will involve experimentation here and there. So buckle your seatbelt and settle in for the long haul. You are off to a great start.

    ETA: I do not agree with superdave about breakfast, though. Lots of folks have lots of success eating their first meal around noon. The big picture is CICO. Meal timing is comparatively very minor and up to personal preference.

    Your edit says (correctly) that meal timing is up to personal preference, so I'm not sure why you would suggest the bolded "mini goal." Telling myself that I cannot eat after 8:00 pm would be a recipe for disaster. What about saving calories for night eating? Lots of people love to eat at night!

  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    I save calories over for the whole week...I add them to a notepad document...Then a day we have dessert or fast food I know I have 600 calories or so that I can eat.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Trust me I am 100 percent ready to lose weight...No if ands or buts about it.
    If this were true, you would be willing to do what you know needs to be done. Eat fewer calories than you burn, no if my fiance is not around or but it is kind of hard to turn down caramel brownies and not eat more when I make big meals.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Trust me I am 100 percent ready to lose weight...No if ands or buts about it.
    If this were true, you would be willing to do what you know needs to be done. Eat fewer calories than you burn, no if my fiance is not around or but it is kind of hard to turn down caramel brownies and not eat more when I make big meals.
    Yes. This.

  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Im ready now...
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited August 2015
    Trust me I am 100 percent ready to lose weight...No if ands or buts about it.
    If this were true, you would be willing to do what you know needs to be done. Eat fewer calories than you burn, no if my fiance is not around or but it is kind of hard to turn down caramel brownies and not eat more when I make big meals.

    This is tough love but it's true. You have to understand that consistent weight loss, especially when you're short and have a lower TDEE, means that most of the time you do have to stick to your plan no matter what, even if your SO is around, even if there's special treats, even if you're cooking big meals.

    It doesn't mean that you can never indulge, but it means that sometimes you have to put in the extra work and say that you're going to make a breakfast that better fits into your goals than the one you're feeding your family (even if it's a matter of throwing some yogurt in a bowl rather than cooking something else entirely), you have to say no to the caramel treats, etc. even if it's hard. Otherwise, you will find a reason every meal, every day, every week, whatever, to exceed your calorie allowance and kill your calorie deficit.

    It's easy that first week because very little restriction can still give you water-retention losses etc, but sticking to it after that and seeing consistent loss means you need to make sure you stay under your goal every day. Yes, it is okay to eat to maintenance once in a while, but not every day or every week necessarily (especially when you're short.) If you can't fit a treat into your daily allotment (at deficit, not maintenance), it's not a good idea to have it.

    Doing this consistently and making it a habit makes it a lot easier. It's just what you do every single day, and if it's routine it's lots easier in my experience.

    ETA: Unfortunately, no one can give you willpower. You have to find it for yourself.

    You can help yourself by eating nutrient-rich foods that fuel your body appropriately, drinking water, all those little tricks that get thrown around here all the time, but at the end of the day if you can't find it in yourself to say "no more", it's never going to get easier or happen consistently. You know what I mean?
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Im ready now...

    Good for you. Most of the battle is mental for me. When the primary motivation for making life style changes that result in weight loss switched from appearance to health, it made all the difference for me. I hope you find a why that makes the how easier for you.
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you peleroja. Great words of advise.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You don't seem ready to me if you find excuses to eat too much.

    But either way, eat more than 1000. That's why you can't stick to it, it's just too little food! Find a REASONABLE goal, and it won't be half as hard. And stop looking at things as 'cheating'... it's food. It's fine if it fits in your calorie goal.

    And think hard about what you're going to do next time your fiancee is around, because if you don't do anything about it, you'll always find an excuse when he's around.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited August 2015
    Come on Kristin you can do it...for sure
    Set your mini goals if you have too.

    But maybe this is an option for you

    Do a week of eating at a towards the next week :) Count the day is you have too...and than do a week maintenance..promise your self that you can do a week maintenance after that deficit week.
    And repeat that over and over again....Or even by the day.
    A day of deficit and a day maintenance.... But stick to it...force your self to stick to that.

    We know you find it hard and you can do so well.... so try to find YOUR way to do this

    The only rule was weigh all your food remember?

    Now finding your way how to keep your motivation is so different for everybody...some people need rewards, others goals and other support of family and friends...than others none at all they just do it.
    Search for your motivation so you dont fall off the wagon.
    We all wish you luck and want to help you, but motivation and determination comes from your self for 99%.

    So try things out..make a deal with yourself....Don't make the deal when i stick a week to my deficit i can eat a day what i want...that doesn't work... Just keep those kinda things for when you go out ( sometimes) or have a holiday..than you try to practice moderation but still eat nice things

    No try to make deals like i do can go to maintenance for day and when i did 2 days deficit...Now it will slow you down a bit...
    But think of it as this way, falling of the wagon STOPS your weight loss and even worse it can make you gain if you eat Surplus.
    So better slower and sticking to it, than giving up.
    Now we know you want this, we also know you try so hard.
    But when it is to hard...make it easier for your self in some sort of way.
    Search for your nitch For the way you are comfortable with!

    You can do it!!!!! Just like we all do.

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    And for gravings .... i eat every evening for 10 months now a huge bowl of popcorn... some fruit and ice!
    It keeps me on track!

    So i found my way to do things