"Clean" Bulking Buddy! (girl preferably?)



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    What is a clean bulk?

    I've never understood this.
    Hi there,

    First of all congratulations on your ongoing recovery and your progress so far! :)

    I'm also trying to gain weight for medical reasons. I don't have and haven't had an eating disorder but after having my little boy I dropped from 145lb to 109lb in 6 months. I'm 5'4" and currently 112lbs so I'm gaining a bit slowly. Aiming for 115-120lbs so not trying to gain loads, just want to get my hormones back on track (periods have stopped and I want to try for another baby).

    I try to eat clean most of the time, I do have the odd day "off" where I eat whatever as long as I don't eat way to much. Have plenty of clean recipes though which I have tried and tested and would be happy to share. I would say try to eat clean where you can but don't stress about it too much. There's nothing worse than being in social situations and feeling like you can't /won't eat anything because it's got processed stuff in... This can only lead to further disordered eating patterns.

    In terms of snacks, I love Greek yogurt with pecans and honey (about 200 cal), also medjool dates chopped in half and pitted with almond butter spread on them are delicious. I make a peanut butter brownie cake and each small slice is 200 cal (or large 400 cal approx) which is full of clean ingredients. I also buy fruit and nut bars from a brand called Nakd (literally just made from fruit and nuts and nothing else), they are delicious they do a bakewell bar which tastes just like a bakewell cake! (Can you tell I have a sweet tooth!??)

    Feel free to add me if you want a buddy and think I could help. I won't be filling in my diary as much then next week or so as I'm off on holiday, but other than that I do tend to log in daily :)

    Kirsten xx

    What makes a food clean??? :huh:

    Just really cutting out processed stuff. Think different people see it differently, but the way I see it it's making meals from scratch with fresh ingredients, no added rubbish or chemicals. Plenty of fruit, veg, lean meats, healthy fats etc. I'm not strict about eating this way as I like to eat out sometimes and I do like chocolate a bit too much! But I try to eat like this the majority of the time. It's really helped as I used to get a lot of migraines and I now no longer suffer, which can only be down to diet and exercise x

    yea, that is not a clean bulk.

    A clean bulk means eating in a small surplus to limit fat gain.

    good luck trying to get into a surplus on a diet of 100% "clean" foods….

    as long as your micronutrient needs are met there is nothing wrong with eating ice cream, pizza, bagels, etc.

    the reason that OP can't get into a surplus and can't gain weight is probably because she is trying to eat "clean"...

    I'm not the OP - I've commented above that I misunderstood the OP's meaning as I've not heard of a clean vs dirty bulk before. I can't understand what's wrong with eating unprocessed healthy food most of the time though - whether I would gain surely depends on how much of it I eat (which can be quite a lot)! And I do enjoy the odd ice cream, pizza, chocolate bar etc too occasionally, I just try to eat healthily overall on a day to day basis and in the meals that I cook so that I get a good amount of nutrient rich food. Anyway, apologies if I misunderstood, and good luck to everyone in meeting their goals.

    why is processed food automatically "unhealthy"….and what are you defining as processed?

    when bulking calories are king, and source does not matter as long as one is getting adequate micronutrient needs and hitting macros.

    I'm not saying all processed food is automatically bad (it's not), just that things such as fruits, veggies, eggs, nuts, lean meat etc are good for you. Myself, I'm only looking to gain a few pounds, so I'm just eating more of what I usually do. I only avoid certain foods (e.g. those containing aspartame as I get migraines which can be triggered by this) but otherwise I eat what I fancy, but within this I just try to eat plenty of good stuff as opposed to filling up on crisps, fast food etc. That's not to say I don't allow myself a treat here and there though. Surely micronutrient needs are better met through eating plenty of fruit, veggies etc than filling up on just anything?? 100 calories from an apple are surely better for you than 100 calories from junk food?!

    Wasn't trying to start a debate anyway, just wanted to offer support to the OP :)

    you labeled unprocessed food as "healthy", so the corresponding implication is that processed food is "unhealthy".

    No one individual foods is unhealthy or healthy in the context of an overall diet that hits micronutrient needs.

    If I have hit my micronutrient needs and then fill in the rest of my day with crisps and ice cream, does that make my day unhealthy?

    Also, 100 calories of applies = 100 calories of Oreos; however, they are not the same from a nutritional standpoint.

    If you want to have a debate about clean foods, junk foods, etc, then please take that to the main forums, as I am sure the folds in the general weight loss section will love to agree with you. We try to keep this forum free of stuff like that.

    Clearly I have rattled your cage, however unintentionally. We can both eat what we enjoy eating, I have no problem with that. As you point out a calorie is a calorie (I agree), I just choose to fill mine with foods I consider healthy. I will put on the weight if I eat a calorie surplus, however I choose to make that up. Anyhow, I'm off to buy some Oreos ;-) haha!

    nope, we just try to keep this forum clear of the clean eating and processed foods is evil garbage, that is all.

    Wow you do love a bit of drama! Never once said processed food is evil btw. I'm sure I mentioned I do indulge in it myself as part of a varied diet. And I'm more than welcome in the gaining weight forum since that is what I'm aiming to do. Anyway I'm off for now, got a holiday to pack for! :) have fun!

    you can keep repeating that, but I am just commenting on your posts. Quoting you and correcting you does not equal "drama"…

    oh, and why did you say this:
    "Just really cutting out processed stuff. Think different people see it differently, but the way I see it it's making meals from scratch with fresh ingredients, no added rubbish or chemicals. Plenty of fruit, veg, lean meats, healthy fats etc. I'm not strict about eating this way as I like to eat out sometimes and I do like chocolate a bit too much! But I try to eat like this the majority of the time. It's really helped as I used to get a lot of migraines and I now no longer suffer, which can only be down to diet and exercise x"

    you obviously have some kind of issue with processed food and then go on to talk about "added rubbish" and "chemicals", but wait, all food has chemicals, so I guess all food is processed rubbish then, right?

  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    edited August 2015
    I kind of doubt that the OP is going to come back after all of this.

    Edit: Aaaaand, I am wrong.
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member

    Wow - a lot of comments here!! Thank you all so much for your support. I think I should make a few things clear first! I do eat "clean" but a little too obsessively - this IS due to the eating disorder and I am trying hard to overcome it. I cant eat "normal" food - like cookies, chocolate, ice cream...even bread! Unless I have made it myself. I am also coeliac so snacking options are limiting (live in Ireland - bad selection).

    I am also a scientist (believe it or not!) and know how calories/nutrition works. I know that a calorie is a calorie and yes, while clean eating is good - I do believe in eating treats. I just don't apply it. I have a mental block and cant do it. My main issue is not eating enough during the day, and then freaking out come evening time and panicking and try and make up for it (but I dont, as I must still eat "clean" anyway...which again, is an issue). I want my excess calories (and the whole gaining muscle) FUN, or at least not PAINFUL like it is now. I know people would KILL to be able to freely eat more as they need to gain weight - but for me, I cant even enjoy it. Im basically just still scared. I would love some support to push me, motivate me to eat more during the day, have a treat - and feel okay about it. I am not looking for a therapist - don't worry. Just, someone to give me a push and I can probably help the person helping me, too. As I said - I have loads of knowledge about this but it's putting it to practice is the problem.

    I am not 100% against chemicals, though I try avoid them where possible. But, I am realistic and know that it is not always possible. So, if there are chemicals in something - so be it, it's not ALL i would ever eat. Again - I am a scientist, I know this stuff...just I am an idiot who can't put it to practice.

    I tried a punishing method, where if I didnt eat a big enough breakfast/lunch...I wouldn't allow myself to go to the gym. This was bad for many reasons. If I didnt go, I felt bad for neglecting myself from my workout and building my muscle and making myself strong. Then, If I do go but don't eat enough, I feel tired, dont get a good enough workout in and therefore feel awful the rest of the day. So - this didnt work out. Now, I just end up being tired all the time as I am not eating enough during the day. Then obsessing about what I should have. It's getting overwhelming.

    So...with that, does anybody still want to help? I probably sound like a right pain in the a** now!!

    Thank you all again!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Wow - a lot of comments here!! Thank you all so much for your support. I think I should make a few things clear first! I do eat "clean" but a little too obsessively - this IS due to the eating disorder and I am trying hard to overcome it. I cant eat "normal" food - like cookies, chocolate, ice cream...even bread! Unless I have made it myself. I am also coeliac so snacking options are limiting (live in Ireland - bad selection).

    I am also a scientist (believe it or not!) and know how calories/nutrition works. I know that a calorie is a calorie and yes, while clean eating is good - I do believe in eating treats. I just don't apply it. I have a mental block and cant do it. My main issue is not eating enough during the day, and then freaking out come evening time and panicking and try and make up for it (but I dont, as I must still eat "clean" anyway...which again, is an issue). I want my excess calories (and the whole gaining muscle) FUN, or at least not PAINFUL like it is now. I know people would KILL to be able to freely eat more as they need to gain weight - but for me, I cant even enjoy it. Im basically just still scared. I would love some support to push me, motivate me to eat more during the day, have a treat - and feel okay about it. I am not looking for a therapist - don't worry. Just, someone to give me a push and I can probably help the person helping me, too. As I said - I have loads of knowledge about this but it's putting it to practice is the problem.

    I am not 100% against chemicals, though I try avoid them where possible. But, I am realistic and know that it is not always possible. So, if there are chemicals in something - so be it, it's not ALL i would ever eat. Again - I am a scientist, I know this stuff...just I am an idiot who can't put it to practice.

    I tried a punishing method, where if I didnt eat a big enough breakfast/lunch...I wouldn't allow myself to go to the gym. This was bad for many reasons. If I didnt go, I felt bad for neglecting myself from my workout and building my muscle and making myself strong. Then, If I do go but don't eat enough, I feel tired, dont get a good enough workout in and therefore feel awful the rest of the day. So - this didnt work out. Now, I just end up being tired all the time as I am not eating enough during the day. Then obsessing about what I should have. It's getting overwhelming.

    So...with that, does anybody still want to help? I probably sound like a right pain in the a** now!!

    Thank you all again!

    I am sorry but if you are scientist you should realize that there are chemicals in every single food we eat….
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member

    ndj1979 wrote: »

    Wow - a lot of comments here!! Thank you all so much for your support. I think I should make a few things clear first! I do eat "clean" but a little too obsessively - this IS due to the eating disorder and I am trying hard to overcome it. I cant eat "normal" food - like cookies, chocolate, ice cream...even bread! Unless I have made it myself. I am also coeliac so snacking options are limiting (live in Ireland - bad selection).

    I am also a scientist (believe it or not!) and know how calories/nutrition works. I know that a calorie is a calorie and yes, while clean eating is good - I do believe in eating treats. I just don't apply it. I have a mental block and cant do it. My main issue is not eating enough during the day, and then freaking out come evening time and panicking and try and make up for it (but I dont, as I must still eat "clean" anyway...which again, is an issue). I want my excess calories (and the whole gaining muscle) FUN, or at least not PAINFUL like it is now. I know people would KILL to be able to freely eat more as they need to gain weight - but for me, I cant even enjoy it. Im basically just still scared. I would love some support to push me, motivate me to eat more during the day, have a treat - and feel okay about it. I am not looking for a therapist - don't worry. Just, someone to give me a push and I can probably help the person helping me, too. As I said - I have loads of knowledge about this but it's putting it to practice is the problem.

    I am not 100% against chemicals, though I try avoid them where possible. But, I am realistic and know that it is not always possible. So, if there are chemicals in something - so be it, it's not ALL i would ever eat. Again - I am a scientist, I know this stuff...just I am an idiot who can't put it to practice.

    I tried a punishing method, where if I didnt eat a big enough breakfast/lunch...I wouldn't allow myself to go to the gym. This was bad for many reasons. If I didnt go, I felt bad for neglecting myself from my workout and building my muscle and making myself strong. Then, If I do go but don't eat enough, I feel tired, dont get a good enough workout in and therefore feel awful the rest of the day. So - this didnt work out. Now, I just end up being tired all the time as I am not eating enough during the day. Then obsessing about what I should have. It's getting overwhelming.

    So...with that, does anybody still want to help? I probably sound like a right pain in the a** now!!

    Thank you all again!

    I am sorry but if you are scientist you should realize that there are chemicals in every single food we eat….

    Sorry for the lack of clarity - I assumed you would have known I meant I was referring to additives and/or preservatives. Not the actual chemicals/molecules/atoms/compounds or baryons whatever you'd like to call them. Either way - as I said, I am realist and know we can't avoid them. In small doses, they have not been actually proven to cause harm anyway.

  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sorry for the lack of clarity - I assumed you would have known I meant I was referring to additives and/or preservatives. Not the actual chemicals/molecules/atoms/compounds or baryons whatever you'd like to call them. Either way - as I said, I am realist and know we can't avoid them. In small doses, they have not been actually proven to cause harm anyway.

    I’m on a strict diet of up quarks, down quarks, and electrons. And maybe some gauge bosons... maybe some other particles are in there somewhere too. I definitely don’t eat any neutrinos though.
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    Sorry for the lack of clarity - I assumed you would have known I meant I was referring to additives and/or preservatives. Not the actual chemicals/molecules/atoms/compounds or baryons whatever you'd like to call them. Either way - as I said, I am realist and know we can't avoid them. In small doses, they have not been actually proven to cause harm anyway.

    I’m on a strict diet of up quarks, down quarks, and electrons. And maybe some gauge bosons... maybe some other particles are in there somewhere too. I definitely don’t eat any neutrinos though.

    Love it. No strange quarks though - those are too funny. The charming ones are nice!
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    FYI I'm nowhere NEAR a physicist - I just think particle physics is pretty awesome
  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    FYI I'm nowhere NEAR a physicist - I just think particle physics is pretty awesome
    I’m not a physicist either, but I pretended to be one in grad school. Watch out for those charm quarks... they can be trouble. :D

    By the way, I am not a girl and I wouldn’t know how to support you, but good luck with your goals! I’m planning to start a bulk near the end of this year sometime.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Recomping takes years for really significant results. Understand that "bulking" is muscle AND fat gain together.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    FYI I'm nowhere NEAR a physicist - I just think particle physics is pretty awesome

    Hi there,
    First of all congrats on the recovery but I think if you read what you have been saying repeatedly you will notice that there is only one thing stopping you from getting where you want to be. You.

    You say repeatedly about the importance of eating clean for you which I get! I try to avoid sweets and candies because I can easily overdo them. BUT sometimes they're a godsend when in a bulk. Today I spent most of my day out, got home and realised I haven't had half my calories. But, as you should do - I thought ahead.

    I made homemade yogurt! If you want to eat clean, find recipes of calorie dense foods and leave them somewhere for easy access or take it with you. Also try to plan your diary the day before so you can plan how you'll spend your calories and if you can - leave some for the dinner time if you're hungry. I had a LOT of issues like you when I started my bulk, but I have been very successful and in time - I'm not SO scared about getting the fat with it anymore. In fact, it's been hard for me to keep within my calories because I'm constantly hungry.

    It made me really anxious for a long time, but after going out today I've noticed that the hard work I put in the gym has also paid off - as much as eating the excess. So take it slow, but make the process work for you. You're the only thing in your own way so make sustainable changes that will ease your mind in the process and you'll be getting strong in no time! ;)

    That's my advice!
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    andyluvv wrote: »
    FYI I'm nowhere NEAR a physicist - I just think particle physics is pretty awesome

    Hi there,
    First of all congrats on the recovery but I think if you read what you have been saying repeatedly you will notice that there is only one thing stopping you from getting where you want to be. You.

    You say repeatedly about the importance of eating clean for you which I get! I try to avoid sweets and candies because I can easily overdo them. BUT sometimes they're a godsend when in a bulk. Today I spent most of my day out, got home and realised I haven't had half my calories. But, as you should do - I thought ahead.

    I made homemade yogurt! If you want to eat clean, find recipes of calorie dense foods and leave them somewhere for easy access or take it with you. Also try to plan your diary the day before so you can plan how you'll spend your calories and if you can - leave some for the dinner time if you're hungry. I had a LOT of issues like you when I started my bulk, but I have been very successful and in time - I'm not SO scared about getting the fat with it anymore. In fact, it's been hard for me to keep within my calories because I'm constantly hungry.

    It made me really anxious for a long time, but after going out today I've noticed that the hard work I put in the gym has also paid off - as much as eating the excess. So take it slow, but make the process work for you. You're the only thing in your own way so make sustainable changes that will ease your mind in the process and you'll be getting strong in no time! ;)

    That's my advice!

    That was a really nice comment :) Thank you. And I know it's me stopping me - if you know what I mean. I need to DO it. I need some more support, I think. But in essense yes you're right. And I know that. As for your advice - thank you again! I do all of that already, but I just dont EAT what I plan to eat. Thats my problem. OR I get scared, and chicken out. And panic. Gaaah! Had a good day yesterday.. Was weighed today and DOWN .8kg so seriously I need to up the anti. I am scared, as you understand.

    Again, thank you so much. Very much appreciated :blush: xx
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    FYI I'm nowhere NEAR a physicist - I just think particle physics is pretty awesome
    I’m not a physicist either, but I pretended to be one in grad school. Watch out for those charm quarks... they can be trouble. :D

    By the way, I am not a girl and I wouldn’t know how to support you, but good luck with your goals! I’m planning to start a bulk near the end of this year sometime.

    Thank you! I will keep you all updated in my little status update thingys. You're very kind!
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    edited August 2015
    andyluvv wrote: »
    FYI I'm nowhere NEAR a physicist - I just think particle physics is pretty awesome

    Hi there,
    First of all congrats on the recovery but I think if you read what you have been saying repeatedly you will notice that there is only one thing stopping you from getting where you want to be. You.

    You say repeatedly about the importance of eating clean for you which I get! I try to avoid sweets and candies because I can easily overdo them. BUT sometimes they're a godsend when in a bulk. Today I spent most of my day out, got home and realised I haven't had half my calories. But, as you should do - I thought ahead.

    I made homemade yogurt! If you want to eat clean, find recipes of calorie dense foods and leave them somewhere for easy access or take it with you. Also try to plan your diary the day before so you can plan how you'll spend your calories and if you can - leave some for the dinner time if you're hungry. I had a LOT of issues like you when I started my bulk, but I have been very successful and in time - I'm not SO scared about getting the fat with it anymore. In fact, it's been hard for me to keep within my calories because I'm constantly hungry.

    It made me really anxious for a long time, but after going out today I've noticed that the hard work I put in the gym has also paid off - as much as eating the excess. So take it slow, but make the process work for you. You're the only thing in your own way so make sustainable changes that will ease your mind in the process and you'll be getting strong in no time! ;)

    That's my advice!

    That was a really nice comment :) Thank you. And I know it's me stopping me - if you know what I mean. I need to DO it. I need some more support, I think. But in essense yes you're right. And I know that. As for your advice - thank you again! I do all of that already, but I just dont EAT what I plan to eat. Thats my problem. OR I get scared, and chicken out. And panic. Gaaah! Had a good day yesterday.. Was weighed today and DOWN .8kg so seriously I need to up the anti. I am scared, as you understand.

    Again, thank you so much. Very much appreciated :blush: xx

    I do understand as I started off on the same boat and still am.
    I had support from @AsISmile who was really sweet and understanding.

    Reaching out is important but more than that - have the courage to try.
    Once you try out the different and see that your body is changing - because that's what you want - it'll get less and less scary. As a friend once said "What's the worst that could happen? A bit of fat...it won't happen overnight and you know what to do if it happens and you're unhappy with it."

    As my mum used to say: "Our fears - they're as scary as we make them."
    So again - support is good, but just work it on yourself too. I've had a lot of people give me sound advice, but at the end of the day - it's our own actions that pack a difference.

    Good luck! :)

    Edit: Here are some calorie dense clean eating recipes to get you started. Make them, put them in a tupperware at the back of your fridge and reach out when you feel like having a treat or when you feel that you might struggle with your goals :)
    BTW - Pinterest is amazing to find recipes like this. Download the app!





  • Travistarrant426
    Travistarrant426 Posts: 11 Member

    I feel that I could really benefit from a bulking buddy - someone to talk with about the struggles, ideas, ways to feel GOOD about eating the calories rather than scared. I think it's a bit of a mental block and I would just love some support!

    Although I can't help you out, fantastic job on your progress thus far! Keep going and I hope you find someone with similar goals so you can motivate eachother. All the best!
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    Awww you are all SO AWESOME!!! Thank you so much! I'll post an update soon and I hope you all are doing great!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • jam3sblond3
    jam3sblond3 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! I wish I had your problems... 2300 is a dream of mine. I'm a runner and if I don't hit 4000+ then I don't gain anything.I actually had 2300 in one meal the other day. I know this isn't an ideal solution but whenever possible a nice big steak and some soft serve ice cream with some fries or whatever at a local restaurant can really help with fat/protein/cal. The only thing I really care about eating is sodium because I generally get too much of it, so if you're like me just stay away from the condiments.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Just saw this, and I know the thread is kind of old, but in case the OP is still around:

    Here is a link with lots of high calorie options. Clearly not all of them will work for you with your health problems, but try including things you can eat in your diet.

    Some people have problems remembering to eat, and if you have that issue, try setting an alarm on your cellphone to remind you to eat.

    If your breakfasts are too small, try prelogging you day to see what foods get you to the calorie count you need for your bulk. Try to find several "go tos" so that you have something to fall back on when you can't think. Then try to always have some of those foods on hand.
  • pebbleslaura1
    pebbleslaura1 Posts: 146 Member
    Also trying to gain healthy weight (recovering from anorexia ) want to be fit strong healthy and toned ☺ what about making a smoothie with banana avocado liquid of choice almond milk coconut ect add nuts or nut butter chia seeds berries then can drink through the day
    Also if have salads adding dressing to it spirnkle with seeds cook with coconut oil that way add cals but not bulk so dont feel as full x