looking for diet buddy or buddies!!!

Hey everyone I am looking for a diet buddy
I left weight 4times a week but my eating habits needs to improve dramatically. I need a lot of motivation and I feel like a diet buddy would be my best option. I am a mom of three and after putting on 40 pounds I am battling with food :'(:( and I want to win lol. Please let me know if you are interested thanks!!


  • helpmelose3o
    helpmelose3o Posts: 1 Member
    Me too. I'm a mother of 3 seeking to lose 25 pounds, would like to lift weights 4 times per week. In June I joined weight watchers and have since gained 5 pounds
  • coachxxxl
    coachxxxl Posts: 4 Member
    I am a 41 year old male with 90 pounds to lose. I know the journey is hard because I lost 100 pounds before and put all back on and then some.

    You do not always have to lift. If you can't go to the gym then when you have any spare time you can exercise.
    Do calf raises whilst washing up or brushing your teeth.
    Do push-ups whilst waiting for the kettle to boil or food in the microwave to cook.
    Use a resistance band whilst watching TV.
    The key is to use your time wisely.
    It all adds up and you will surprised how strong and fit you become.
    I know women love wearing heels and the calf raises will bring out the curves nicely.
  • alisablessedby3
    alisablessedby3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey thanks for the feed back. I also know the struggle of loading and gaining I used to be 197lbs after I gave birth which was about 19 months ago. I put myself on a good diet with regular exercise and I drop lots of weight leaving me at 108lbs. Then I was told repeately that I need to put weight on. Well let's just say I did a lot now I am 156 lbs which sucks. I don't go to the gym I have a Olympic steel weight at home and that's what I use. I think I would take your advice on brushing more I heard that helps. Thanks
  • alisablessedby3
    alisablessedby3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey thanks for the feed back. I also know the struggle of loading and gaining I used to be 197lbs after I gave birth which was about 19 months ago. I put myself on a good diet with regular exercise and I drop lots of weight leaving me at 108lbs. Then I was told repeately that I need to put weight on. Well let's just say I did a lot now I am 156 lbs which sucks. I don't go to the gym I have a Olympic steel weight at home and that's what I use. I think I would take your advice on brushing more I heard that helps. Thanks

    Sorry I meant type* losing* not loading
  • jennifer12202010
    jennifer12202010 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 need a buddy you can add me! Definitely need someone help me stay motivated
  • KellzNew92
    KellzNew92 Posts: 214 Member
    im a mum of 1, but away to try for number 2 so need to try lose as much as i can for then. im currently down 42lbs another 80ish to go. feel free to add me