Serious, Major Self Control Issues

This probably doesn't surprise many of you here, but as it turns out, I got fat because I can't control myself lol.

It's been several weeks since I was able to make it through a day without overeating. I've gained several pounds back of the 12 I had lost.

Night time is the killer. I do very well at meal times, but when you're a night owl you get HUNGRY between dinner at 5 and bed at 11:30 or 12:00 am.

I need some help getting back on track. I have health reasons to eat better and lose weight, but they aren't very motivating when the hunger strikes lol.

All advice appreciated.


  • EvangeliaKostakis
    EvangeliaKostakis Posts: 10 Member
    I'm the same, late night snacker (and I don't normally eat dinner until 6.30). I'm trying healthier snacks (fruit, dates) or making a very thick smoothie. And if I still want to eat, a chew gum. Maybe 'reserve' a couple of hundred calories to use late at night and you don't have to feel guilty then.
  • coco_bee
    coco_bee Posts: 173 Member
    I had this problem. Ask yourself these questions "how hungry am I? Is it my stomach that is truly hungry as in rumbling hunger or is it emotional hunger to satisfy my taste buds? how am I feeling? what am I really craving? Is it because I am tired and what I really need is sleep? not food. Is it because I'm thirsty and the body needs water, not food.

    If you really are (stomach) hungry, have a yogurt with a few walnuts or a hot chocolate milky drink to settle those hunger pangs so you can sleep without suffering. Mindful eating and also meditation is what I practice and it really does help with binge eating.
  • Benevolay
    Benevolay Posts: 18 Member
    I used to chew gum when I felt hungry. I found it fooled my brain enough to buy me time until my next scheduled meal. Most gums are less than five calories, but maintain flavor for a good deal of time and can fill a craving. I eventually quit the gum altogether, but it's the only thing I can recommend.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Move your meals later in the day. Late lunch, very late dinner.
  • LynndyStarr
    LynndyStarr Posts: 9 Member
    in your pic you look like it thats why i say so
  • Ati13
    Ati13 Posts: 10 Member
    in your pic you look like it thats why i say so

    Huh? That's fat Mac from Its Always Sunny. I put it up when I was diagnosed with prediabetes because Mac having "diabetis" is one of the best episodes lol. In what universe is that profile pic anorexic? Or were you even talking to me? Or were you being facetious? I'm so confused! Lol

    I am definitely the opposite of anorexic.

  • LynndyStarr
    LynndyStarr Posts: 9 Member
    oh sorry wrong thread sorry dude .....but try this menu for a day to jump start your weight loss-Breakfast, Orange or Apple Juice. Lunch -Fruit Juice and a Fruit salad. Dinner-Glass of water and an apple. Trust me it works.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I am a true night owl, going to bed at 3 or 4 am. I am also not a morning person, so not a big breakfast eater.
    What I do is have dinner about 7:30, then have a set amount of calories for a midnight mini-meal. ( I am not a snacker)

    It is all about shifting your calories around to suit your needs.

    Cheers, h.
  • Trovie
    Trovie Posts: 6 Member
    coco_bee wrote: »
    I had this problem. Ask yourself these questions "how hungry am I? Is it my stomach that is truly hungry as in rumbling hunger or is it emotional hunger to satisfy my taste buds? how am I feeling? what am I really craving? Is it because I am tired and what I really need is sleep? not food. Is it because I'm thirsty and the body needs water, not food.

    If you really are (stomach) hungry, have a yogurt with a few walnuts or a hot chocolate milky drink to settle those hunger pangs so you can sleep without suffering. Mindful eating and also meditation is what I practice and it really does help with binge eating.

    Thanks Coco_Bee reading ty his really helps.

  • stephanie_adams
    stephanie_adams Posts: 2 Member
    I find that if I spend an hour at the gym or a group exercise class after work then I am less likely to snack. I think having pushed myself to the limit physically gives me the determination to not screw up the hard work! I'm far more likely to reach for the chocolate on a day where I haven't exercised.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited August 2015
    You CAN control yourself, you are just not choosing to do so.

    You can train yourself not to be a night eater. Here's what helped me:

    1. Eat substantial meals early in the day, with significant protein.
    2. Stay VERY well hydrated. If you are a larger person or more active, 8 glass a day might be be nearly enough.
    3. Eat dinner later. There is no rule that you need to have dinner at 5PM. I like to have a light dinner between 8-10 PM. An alternative to that would be to plan/budget for a snack later at night.
    4. Establish an earlier bedtime and be as consistent about it as possible. Sleeping pills or a nightly Benedryl might be helpful--obviously something to run by your doctor before you try it.
    5. Exercise regularly. If you put a lot of effort into exercise, it's not so tempting to ruin your progress by overeating.

    It takes about 3 weeks to start establishing new habits. If you can force yourself to stay on track for that long, you might see progress.

    Good luck!
  • ellarishee
    ellarishee Posts: 25 Member
    Ati13 wrote: »
    in your pic you look like it thats why i say so

    Huh? That's fat Mac from Its Always Sunny. I put it up when I was diagnosed with prediabetes because Mac having "diabetis" is one of the best episodes lol. In what universe is that profile pic anorexic? Or were you even talking to me? Or were you being facetious? I'm so confused! Lol

    I am definitely the opposite of anorexic.

    I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.. It's funny when you think that we're all on here talking weightloss, and that guy gained 50 pounds just to play fat mac.

    Anyway, I have the same problem. I eat dinner, and unless I've been particularly diligent with my food choices that day I don't tend to have much left for after dinner snacking. I used to eat dinner between 5 and 6. But then when you think about it, if you eat at 6 and go to bed at 12, its SIX hours since you've last eaten, and it's no wonder your hungry.

    I personally have moved to dinner to around 7 ish, and try to keep anywhere between 80 - 120 calories left over so I can fit in a couple of crackers if I'm really that hungry before bed time.
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    ATI I suggest taking small steps at a time. Establish a small rule for yourself (for example no chocolate candies after 9pm) and work from there, most likely small steps are easier to keep and gradually you can increase your goals. it's like exercise if you're a runner you won't start from running 26 miles your first day, maybe you will jog 5 minutes, walk 5, jog again, etc...same way with self control, little steps
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    Being a night owl ...does that mean you sleep later in the morning? I have a friend who stays up until 2 or 3 am and then sleeps until 11 am or so. She then gets ready for work at 1pm. Works until 10 pm. I asked her if she does her cleaning, laundry, exercising during these late night hours and she laughed at me.
    It seems to me she needs to adjust life to her work/sleep habits.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited August 2015
    Personally, I usually have dinner at 5pm too, and most of the time I'm fine afterwards. Sometimes I'm not but I ignore the hunger because I know it might lead to eating too much... On the rare days when I'm so hungry that I just can't think about anything else, I eat (and yeah I end up going way over, like last night, but it's hormones - shouldn't be a problem for you, lol).

    Anyway, make better choices during the day (more protein and good fat, less carbs), or leave calories for a nighttime snack. And adjust your calorie goal so you don't end up starving every single night. No diet is going to work if you're starving all the time. There's nothing wrong with setting your goal to 1.5 or 1 pound a week, if it's going to make you stick to it instead of making you want to quit and overeating at night.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Make sure you're not confusing hunger with thirst and have a large glass of water first and/or plan some calories in for some supper/a snack try and work with your schedule. I always make sure i have some cals left for a biscuit or similar in the evening because i know i will want an evening snack.
  • kozykondition1
    kozykondition1 Posts: 45 Member
    So what do you do in the 6-7 hours between dinner and bedtime? Many people here would be envious to have that much free time to exercise. If a 5 o'clock dinnertime is inflexible, plan for four meals.
  • tequila5000
    tequila5000 Posts: 128 Member
    After I've reached my calorie goal for the day (after my evening snack), I too find that I sometimes want to keep snacking. If I brush and floss my teeth, that usually works for me. Its easy for me to say "no thank you" when my mouth is nice and clean. I also know that if I am overtired, I am very tempted to keep snacking. Sometimes I just lay down and go to sleep.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    After I've reached my calorie goal for the day (after my evening snack), I too find that I sometimes want to keep snacking. If I brush and floss my teeth, that usually works for me. Its easy for me to say "no thank you" when my mouth is nice and clean. I also know that if I am overtired, I am very tempted to keep snacking. Sometimes I just lay down and go to sleep.

    There's a difference between 'wanting to keep snacking' and being genuinely hungry though...
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I like to eat 4 meals a day. small breakfast, and the rest of the meals have equal calories. I like having something in my belly before I go to sleep.