Help getting it back together

Hi. I recently lost 20lbs doing weight watchers, and something happened when I hit 20lbs. I totally lost my groove!

I've gained about 4 back from making stupid choices - this is a very stressful time for me right now and I use food as a crutch a lot - and I need help getting myself back on track.

I'm going to give up WW because I think I've done all the point counting I can, and focus now on what I've learned about portion sizes, etc

With what I have gained back, I need to lose about 15lbs to get to my goal weight. I know I can do it if I just get motivated.

Have any of you ever picked yourself back up after a weak period, and how did you do it?


  • Evalynn524
    Evalynn524 Posts: 2 Member
    I too am looking for ways to get back on track. I have made my goal with a loss of 50 pounds but have gained 7 back. I'm getting afraid I can't get back. I keep making goals and failing almost immediately. Good luck to you too.
  • lambchoplewis
    I have been maintaining for over a year and find that the weight can creep back on. I have found that if I weigh myself every moring - very controversial- it stops me from shoving things into my mouth as I will have to face the scale in the morning. I log my weight, food and exercise on MFP and then read some of the motivational posts and try to help others and get motivation. I quit doing this for a month or so and the 5 lbs crept back on. Yes, I was eating crap and that is why I did not want to weight. But, I started my routine again and the lbs are coming back off!!

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin.
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    Does anyone have any suggestions to help STAY motivated when the weight doesn't seem to be budging?? I'm going through menopause and feel like everything I try to lose the weight, (it just keeps adding up), is a futile attempt! I cannot find support for a 40 something woman going through menopause.....anyone else out there in the same boat?
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I keep doing this (losing and gaining). My best tip is if you really cannot stop eating, try choosing low carb options, i.e. meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, soya products. You may still eat a lot in the beginning but your cravings should subside and you should feel more satiated. They are less addictive than carbs (especially white carbs) so it is easier to break the cycle and get back into diet regime.

    I also found that sweeteners, while zero calorie, increase my cravings for everything else, but this may be personal sensitivy to food.

    I posted here too when I felt similarly and I found that support on MFP is so amazing. I used to think that everyone on MFP is so succesful that I don't fit with my loss/gain here anymore.. I was wrong! Many of us do exactly the same. Do not feel that you are alone.