Pointers for incorporating weight lifting

walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
I am a newbie to this kind of fitness as I always just played sports and that was enough to keep me in shape. Fast forward and 2 kids later, I need to put more effort into it. I am currently doing kickboxing for one hour, three times a week. This involves a short jog, drills, sparring, heavy bag work, push ups, and abs. On in between days I try and go for a 30 minute walk. My husband has a weight bench set with a 45 lb bar and more weights than I would ever need. I was thinking that maybe 2 days a week (on non-kickboxing days) I would do bench press, squats, dead lifts, and rows with the bar (maybe 2 sets of 10 if I can do that) to start with and then add weight as this gets easy. Does this sound like an ok plan? Is it ok that I do pushups on kickboxing days? Will it interfere with muscle rest time?


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I am ignorant of kickboxing training, so I'm bumping to see/read what others might have to say. Regarding the actual weight lifting exercises you specified, I think those are good ones to start out with.

    And I don't think you need to worry about doing bodyweight exercises, like pushups on kickboxing days. What I'm not sure about is how you would incorporate weight lifting into your fitness program that includes kickboxing. Hopefully someone will offer some advice.

    I did a search to see if there is a Kickboxing group here, but the hits are either groups not particularly relevant to you or the one group that would be is not active.