Good routine? Improvement?


(20 second) Mountain climber.
(10 second) Rest.
(20 second) High Knees.
(10 second) Rest.
(20 second) Mountain Climber.
(10 second) Rest.
(20 second) High Knees.
(10 Second) Rest.

(Repeat twice each set twice)

Squat jump w/ Kettle-bell. x12
Walking lunges with squat x12 each leg
Plank with leg life :30 second each leg.
Bridge with triceps extensions, hold bridge x12 each leg.
Reverse lunges with overhead press x12 each arm
Side lunge, leg lift :30 second


Reverse inch worms x12
Dead life with squat x12
Oblique twist triceps dip x12
Lunge leg dip x12
V-sit :60 second
Russian twists x12 each side
Ab wheel x12


Plank with lateral am raise x10 each side.
Shoulder press with resistance bands x10
Plyo push ups x10
tricep dips x10
Plank shoulder touch x10
Dumbbell hold :60 second


/w kettlebell
Step out swing :60 second
Squat roater :30 second each side
Backward lunge with bicep curl :30 second each side
Push press :60 second.
High pull burpee ;30 second each
Spider Drags :30 second each side.


Sumo squats 1 minute
Cross-overs x12 each leg.
High knees :60 minutes
Wall sit :60 minutes
Inch worms :60 minutes
Burpees :60 minutes.


Yoga; cool down (5-10 minutes)

So on days where I can't make it to the gym , I was figuring out routines to do at home. Would this be a good place to start?


  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    Did you mean to do burpees for an hour????
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Did you mean to do burpees for an hour????

    I meant seconds!! LOL huge type fail.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Looks like a great workout program to me.

    But it might be helpful to understand what you're trying to do so we can provide some feedback on improving your workout. Do you have a particularly strong focus on improving one area (losing bodyfat, building muscle, etc.) or are you trying to maintain a level of fitness? Are you training for anything or have interest in taking up a fitness sport or hobby?
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Looks like a great workout program to me.

    But it might be helpful to understand what you're trying to do so we can provide some feedback on improving your workout. Do you have a particularly strong focus on improving one area (losing bodyfat, building muscle, etc.) or are you trying to maintain a level of fitness? Are you training for anything or have interest in taking up a fitness sport or hobby?

    I am in dire need to build muscle mass, especially in my shoulders and back. I made the mistake at the beginning of weight loss to do endless cardio and no strength training. But, I want to build muscle everywhere. Right now I am in a healthy BMI so I don't exactly have much to lose really. So I want a good routine that I can do everyday, to build, at home when I can't make it to the gym. I have dumbbells and kettle-bells, and resistance bands, also.

    My stats would be:

    Age: 18
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 111lbs
    LBM: 80%
    BMI: 20%
    BMR: 1212
    TDEE: 1800