need support

looking for positive and supportive friends. I used this site several years ago but I am so lazy! logging in and putting in all my info daily got to be a chore. but im back becuz im still fat and gonna try to suck it up and do this. 60 lbs to shed. ugh... just had a baby- well ok... 13 yrs ago. I was always so thin and in shape. I used to love love love to work out but now one trickle of sweat and I whine like a baby!!! I dunno what happened to me- im the typical do good for a few weeks then fall off the wagon for a few months!!!


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    I waited nearly a decade before losing my baby weight, so I feel you here. Something that worked for me was to not approach this like a temporary diet. I knew that if I wanted to lose weight and keep it off, I needed to change some things (like portion control), but I also knew that I needed to not cut things I love out of my diet (or I wouldnt stick with it). So for the first few weeks I just logged everything I was eating without attempting to make changes to what or how much I was eating. I just committed to being honest with myself. Within a few weeks, I unconsciously began making different choices and the weight started melting off. I still drink beer, eat cookies/chocolate/ice cream/chips. I just make better choices most of the time and limit how much I'm eating when I have those things (usually... been really over-indulging lately, and I need to get a handle on it). Anyway, more than 2 years later, I have lost more than 70 pounds and am getting ready to go outside and do a 10 mile long-run in prep for a half marathon next month. You can do it - it just takes determination and honesty. :flowerforyou:
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    I lost the baby fat really quickly. Was 16 and a half stone and went down to 10st 2.
    But over that 15 years it crept back on even more so over the last 5 years. At my heavest I was back up to the 16and half but that's me down to 13. Getting there. Feel free to add me for motivation.
  • AndreasEvans
    AndreasEvans Posts: 35 Member
    Perhaps you need a little "help" on your journey back to becoming the real you? Happy to add you and help if you like but you may not like the help as "the door to success says push"!